Cathedral of the North

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The two Kingsman agents kicked down a rusting back door to an old ominous cathedral, which large steeples reached to the heavens. As they scurried the lower levels of the empty old building, they made a shocking discovery. In that underground room sat a fleet of technical ops and screens. Yet the thing that made their hair stand up on their necks wasn't the size of the control room, it was what was on the screens. It was footage of them. Their current mission, their past missions and them before kingsman was a name that had any meaning to them.
"What is this?" Roxy took a step closer to the screens.
"I don't know Rox. But this isn't right. I've got this sick feeling--"
"We should go."

"No. We should all go. Deeper still." A voice with a thick Spanish accent cut in. Radcliffe was there's behind them surrounded by dozens of men in black. "Obtain them please. Alive. That is to be noted."

The men attacked Roxy and Eggsy from all sides. Back to back, the two Kingsman agents took them on. They beat men after men blow after blow, until they and Radcliffe were the only ones left standing.
Radcliffe began laughing. In no time his small army was replenished with an even larger one.
He began clapping, "bravo. You put up a good fight. A good show. Mr. Unwin, Ms. Morton. I almost wanted you to continue. But alas..."
Radcliffe's men shot multiple tranquilizer darts, which took some time to take effect. Eggsy and Roxy were able to take out five more men before they came crashing down.
"Tigers. Fiercer even." Radcliffe glanced down at them, "take them down to floor negative-five, holding cell eight."

When Eggsy and Roxy woke, they were sitting opposite Radcliffe. They were on a couch, zip tied to a pipe that was behind their backs.
"You were a real thorn in my side, you know," he began, not caring if they were fully listening to him, "and you were so close to exposing me and my operation... I sent people to kill you, I wanted you dead. I set up traps. But while I was watching you thwart my attempts, my admiration for you grew. You are both so intelligent, physically strong and able, and you're both dashingly good looking."
Roxy and Eggsy exchanged confused and tired looks.
Radcliffe slid his hand through his slick-back, oily black hair. "You've been culled into my program. Your genes are wonderful... A wonderful match." His eyes lit up with a glimmer of madness.

"What in bloody hell are you gettin on about?" Eggsy muttered underneath his breath. His head was still ringing from the amount of drugs in his system.

"I'm a breeder. Horses were my specialty. But even that can get mundane. Humans are a much more difficult mammal to tackle. It takes much longer to perfect. You need all the right traits and genetics to mix in just the right way. You need the right parents, with the right medical history, and with the the right brains."

Roxy shouldered Eggsy's side, saying without words that she and he now both understood their situation. They were in the presence of a human breeder. Radcliffe wasn't dealing weapons, like they thought. He was breeding them.

"I won't lie, It helps immensely that these days all people want is sex. This culture's biggest craze is lust, sex, pleasure, and without the natural result. Sex without consequences. I simply take that consequence away from them. Some willingly let me take the consequence in due time. I train and raise and break it in. After it's reached an age where it can be broken in."

Eggsy became furious. His mind kept turning to his kid sister. A child who deserved better than her circumstances. A child who was not a consequence, but a beautiful gift to the world. Eggsy couldn't imagine kids his sister's age being treated like dogs in cages, being taught to bark and bite on command.
Roxy glanced at him, they were thinking the same thing. There were children in similar cells as them, on the premises, that this man had taken. He was training his 'breed' of children to be his guard dogs in a sense. Who knew how long he had been doing this? How old was the oldest of those deprive of their childhoods. Deprived of love. Something these children had a right to from the moment their hearts started beating.

"You mean to say 'child'." Eggsy blurted out, "a kid isn't a consequence. It's a human being with rights. A kid isn't something to be bred, trained, or broken in. They're meant to be children. You bloody lunatic!"

"But Gary, I've bred and trained many children. It can be done. I've created the most beautiful, and physically able, and intelligent... If you met them, you'd marvel at my creation."

"You're not God." Roxy laughed, "you can't create life. You'll never be able to. No matter how many woman you have raped. No matter how many children you have taken from their mothers and train to be your personal slaves."

"No. You're right I can't create life, but I can guide it. I can lead life to come in the form I see fit. I don't take anything from mothers. They don't have anything taken from them, because they had nothing that was theirs to begin with. They never see the child they birth, that way they never have to part with it. And I never have women raped. They comply willingly. It's simple." Radcliffe faced Eggsy. "Gary, you will knock up you're partner here or you're both going to be killed. Or you'll die watching each other be tortured slowly and systematically."
Radcliffe turned back to Roxy, "see, simple."
"Though it'd be a shame to waste your genes. You're both such near perfect specimens." Radcliffe sighed.
"And if we do as you ask, you let him go?" Roxy asked with a blank face.
Radcliffe smiled. "No. we don't normally let the father leave till the consequence arrives. But if that's your request, I'll give it to you. Your child would be a wonderful mix. Though you'd stay till your term is up."
Eggsy stared at Roxy in disbelief. She thought she could get him to leave her. She thought somehow that Eggsy would save himself and leave her to deliver their potential child, alone. While being under the care of a mad man, for nine months.

"Roxy?" Eggsy eyed her starring at the floor of their shared cell, which felt like a sad attempt at a motel room. Radcliffe had long since left, and she had just finished pacing across the room for three hours.
She said nothing.
"Roxanne," Eggsy pleaded.
She finally turned to him. "Eggsy. I want you to know something. When you get out I want you to tell my father that I'm okay."
Eggsy shook his head in agreement, though he knew she was trying to say something else. Her father had been dead since she was seven.
Roxy pulled on Eggsy's shirt to bring him closer. She moved him in between her and the picture on the wall.
"Gary-- I--"
Red flags were being raised in Eggsy's mind. She never called him Gary.
"Look at me," she said. Though her eyes were looking at her hand. She was signing something. British sign language. Her hands were moving to create words in a beautifully fluid manner.
"Yes," Eggsy said, trying as hard as he could to keep up with her fast signing.
"I want you to get it over with now. I want you to get out."
This conversation was for show, Roxy's pace had been a mapping out of the cameras in the room. While Eggsy just worried. He realized just how much of a Kingsman she was. She deserved the mantel of Lancelot more than he did the mantel of Galahad. She earned her spot fair and square, and she already had a plan for their escape right now.
"I'd never leave you. I can't leave you. Especially not after what you want us to do." Eggsy said, and signed something entirely different. Her plan required some difficult hoops to jump through, so clarifications were key.
"No. You should never feel as if you're being forced into anything. We can figure out a way to get out of here..."
Roxy could feel the realness of their fake conversation at this moment in time. There was some truth in it, however much she wanted to believe that there wasn't.
"It's alright Eggsy. Trust me." Roxy pulled Eggsy in for a long kiss. It lasted far longer than either of them expected, but it ended like they had planned.
Eggsy gasped when the kiss ended. Roxy had stabbed his torso with a thin poker that had been hidden in her hair. He began foaming at the mouth, the poker had been coated with some poison. His eyes moved frantically from the ceiling to Roxy.
"I'm sorry Gary. I couldn't have them take something of ours." She began crying a fantastically real-fake cry. "Our child would've been too perfect. I couldn't have them take that from us. I couldn't have him take you..." She began weeping over his head, her hair covering his face.

Just as soon as Eggsy drifted off, the doors of their cell were kicked open and Radcliffe's men rushed to Eggsy, and they dragged Roxy away. She saw them declare him dead when they pulled her, kicking and screaming, from the room.

Radcliffe ran past her down the long hallway, his face was frantic and his forehead was covered in sweat. Roxy smiled. She had struck the first blow.

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