Fast Car

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    Roxy's month and a half long undercover operation took longer than anticipated. She reflected on the hard job as she, under an alias, flew on a commercial flight back to England. As Roxy's plan reached it's high altitude, she started to feel a little less than sick to her stomach. Her hands squeezed the life out of her chair arms. The old lady sitting next to her looked at her with concern. She handed Roxy a barf bag, to which the Kingsman agent shook her head with a smile. Roxy wasn't ever squeamish during flights, nor was she one to take help unless she really needed it.

    Twenty minuets later, after Roxy used up both the kind old lady's barf bag, and her own, the flight attendant leaned over to her.

    "Ma'am," the middle aged stewardess began, "you better head to a doctor right when we land."

    It was pretty clear now, that Roxy must've caught a sickness of some sort.

    "Which one? The 3rd, 10th, 11th, or 12th?" Roxy joked, referencing one of her country's most popular shows, despite her uneasy health.

    The stewardess smiled, then Roxy nodded reassuringly, letting her know the doctor was in her plans. Even if it wasn't the time traveling one.

    Roxy ended up at the doctors office of a family friend she hadn't seen in a long time. She figured that if she had to go to an office, she'd much rather go to someone she knew. She really couldn't stand doctors offices or doctors, or nurses.

    Sitting down in the waiting room for the doctor, she felt like she was waiting on her impending doom. Why hadn't she become a doctor? Or married one by now to get out of going to the doctor. She always felt awkward, scared even, sitting in the waiting rooms. It was somehow much harder to tell the truth to a professional health consultant and let them help you, than it was to stitch up ones own wounds and grit your teeth through the pain.
    Her calling Eggsy while waiting made the whole ordeal tolerable. It was even an enjoyable ordeal when he picked up.

    "Your dog is picking on JB again." The young man on the other end of the line, said first thing.

    Roxy smiled. She could tell by his voice if he was smiling or not, which he was. "Well I better have my dog put down than. Oh wait... I already tried that. It was a blank wasn't it?" She teased.

    "I'll never live that down will I?"

    "Eggsy, there are many things you'll never live down."

    "But in all seriousness, your dog is bullying JB again. My mom's been calling about it. She keeps telling me to take care of it."

    "Maybe you should."


    "Hire a dog sitter for JB and let my wonderful dog stay with your mom. We both know your little sister isn't in love with your dog, it's mine."

    Eggsy shook his head, then took in a large breath, and he sighed. But the good, positive kind of sigh. He really needed to hear her voice right now. And she could tell.

    "What's up Eggsy?"

    "Just work. It's a pain when things fall through. We had-- actually I'd rather not burden you with the details. Let's just say it's been a long few weeks..."

    "I bet. Your op, It's not suppose to be easy."

    "Neither was yours. I mean I should have it down by now. My op's taking far longer than we anticipated or wanted. I'm just frustrated at myself. There are things I should've done, that could've made things turn out differently. But that's just life, and operations. They're just as unstable as our dogs relationship."

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