Belgium Chocolate

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After three episodes of a British monarch's adaptation into a well-made television drama. The two Kingsmen agents made their way from a privet jet parked in a Brussels airport hanger, to a rusted and incognito two door --visibly European-- car.  Their formal suit attire had been swapped for an average civilian look. Their mission was a straightforward one. Find the lock that matched the key, and the case that needed the code.

    Once they made it to Watervliet, Eggsy and Roxy walked arm in arm through the streets, glancing at every car that they walked by.

    "Remember when I went to prison for a month?"

     "Yes. But that's hardly relevant here Eggsy."

     "But Rox, prisoners in Serbia swear by always being within walking distance of a pub. Wherever and in whatever situation."

       Eggsy stopped walking in front of the town pub. He gestured her in and soon followed suit.

      Eggsy knew that Roxy would be irritated that the mission was halting yet again. So he ordered double the drinks that he normally did. But halfway through their first pint, Roxy already got back into the mission objective.

     "So Mr. Wenovich--"

     "Call me Ritchie, or barkeep if you please Roxane. I feel like I already know you and your husband, well enough to be on first-name basis."

      "Right you are Ritchie." Roxy went on to ask the old bartender about new cars in the area. Saying that she and her 'husband' were looking to buy a new car.

     "Well, I can't say I've eard of any new cars rolling in. Not since five years ago. If you can believe it."

     "If you don't mind my asking Ritchie. Why was this occurrence five years ago so memorable?" Eggsy asked after taking the last sip of his ale.

      "Well, Mr.- what was it?"


      "Morton." Roxy cut in.

      Eggsy smiled at her with loving annoyance. He hated it when they used her last name as their cover last name. He so preferred his, and she knew that.

      "Well, Mr. Morton, five years ago a young man showed up in town, someone no one knew, and he had a new and shining car. But he vanished after a week and left his car behind. It's stayed in its place since. Right outside the cemetery to this day"

      "How peculiar." Roxy looked to Eggsy who had on an expression of excitement.

      "A cemetery." He whispered in her ear, to which she laughed.

      "Ay, would you two young folks be yearning a good home cooked meal? Me and me wife have two empty chairs at our table tonight. Since our son ain't in town..."

    "We'd love to Ritchie."

    "Only we have some business to take care of this afternoon, and it could last till the evening." Roxy cut in.

    "But, we'll be done in time dearest. I'm sure we can make it for Mrs. Wenovich's home cooked meal and hospitality."

    "A meal it is. And a meal it will be! I best go call the misses than. I look forward to it. We're right upstairs."

    As Eggsy said a thank you to the bartender who's back was turned, Roxy gave him a dangerous look. "It'll be fine Rox. He's a nice chap, and his wife would love to have guests. He said so himself."

    The two kinsmen agents did find a rotting car, that wasn't very old, outside the small town's cemetery. It was a fading red, of a small size, and as locked a if the owner was just down the street. Eggsy pulled out his fox-tail key chained key, and with it, was able to pop the trunk. They found a seemingly empty trunk, to which the agents pulled the carpet interior to find a hatch underneath it.  Roxy pulled out the dog-tags and entered the code onto the keypad that was there.

     What they found was a bomb with a sixty second timer counting down.

    "Rox, we gotta go." Eggsy suggested as his partner started to fidget with the wires that were the very definition of colorful. He started to get impatient as the clock hit 25 seconds. "That's it!" He grabbed Roxy bolted away from the car. They had beardy started running when it exploded. They were flung ten feet further and crash landed onto a car windshield. To be more specific, Eggsy was the one that took all the force. He caught Roxy and took all the damage for the two of them.

     They lay there, Roxy on top of Eggsy, face to face, for some time. They were in pain more than anything else, and spent a good amount of time just staring into each others' eyes. Or at least Eggsy was in pain.

     "You know." Roxy said, inching the slightest bit closer, "I nearly had it." She jumped off him, looked to the fire the explosion had left, "If I had just one more second."

      "Sorry. Next time I'll just start runnin on my own and watch you die from a distance." He managed to say through the grunts of pain he let out as he sat up.

      "Ah. But I know you Eggsy, you'd never let me die." She said offhandedly as the fire flashed before her eyes.

      "Yeah. You're right."

      Just as a memories of first falling from the sky together flashed through the both of their minds, gunfire sprayed the area. Rox grabbed Eggsy and threw him and herself behind the car. He groaned in pain. "Careful love."

    Their guns spurted out.



    Like one entity, they fired back at their attackers, and ran towards the source of flying bullets. Covering over each other's shoulders in the process. They took out two guns, went on to run down and catch one more gun wielding menace. They disarmed him and attempted to question him.

    Roxy threw the dark haired, middle aged man to the ground. "Are you comfortable dear?"

    The man stayed silent.

    "I've heard recently that Radcliff Ram was hiring low lives to protect his secrets. But guarding an already boobytrapped car with operatives? That's far fetched even for him, bloke."

    "So, me and my partner are curious. Why are you here? How does your position in an empty town benefit your employer?"

    The man stayed silent still.

    "Well then." Eggsy aimed his gun at the man's head to simulate an intention to fire.

    "He wants you two dead." The man muttered ominously.

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