Rocks and Eggs

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    Roxy and Eggsy stood looking at the wreckage of the base where they first met and trained. They were underground and surrounded by piles of concrete, shards of glass, and rubble. They stood amongst agents running to and fro attempting to clean the mess.

There was enough emotion trapped underground here to suffocate them all. Luckily Kingsman hired a tough bunch. Also, no one focused on that stench long enough.

Eggsy turn to Roxy, "He didn't even recognize me Rox." Eggsy uttered, as he lead them to a man instructing more men.

Roxy squeezed his hand comfortingly, "Harry'll get through this. We'll get through this."

Their hands dropped, and their emotions became out of sight and out of mind.

The man instructing others turned to them with a friendly face.

"Perceval." Eggsy shook his hand, "It's good to see you alive and well."

"Likewise." The dark haired man replied, without portraying a single emotion on his face. Though you could see the bags under his eyes.

Roxy nodded her head professionally. "Uncle."

At Roxy's brief greeting the man let out a small, familiar smile. Which disappeared when he looked back at Eggsy. "And it's Arthur now. To you both."

"Uncle-- They've made you the inner room Arthur?"

"An acting Kingsmen agent?" Eggsy marveled.

"Don't act so surprised Galahad. And Lancelot, you'd better drop the uncle while you're at it. We're not the men from U.N.C.L.E. now are we?" Percival cleared his throat after his failed joke. "There's much work to be done."

"No kidding," Eggsy remarked, Percival ignored him.

"With the news of Gwain and our recently appointed Arthur..." A brief moment of silence fell for the fallen agents, "We needed things to be done, messes to be cleaned. We'll worry about other matters soon enough."

"If it's any consolation I think you're making a fantastic Arthur so far." Roxy looked around at the work being done.

"Thanks," he mumbled, "And Roxanne?" Percival whispered. "Congratulations, mum." He winked.

Percival/Arthur handed Roxy and Eggsy a file folder. Without another word, they were dismissed.

They geared up, and hopped on a plane, back to America.

"A bit of a small mission, wouldn't you agree? For two highly skilled Kingsmen agents."

Eggsy shrugged, "Someone has to bring him back."

"I suppose you're right."

His eyes shifted grimly. "And you and I both know that simple missions often prove to be more than that when Harry's involved."

    "You're mistaken Eggs, when we're involved in anything things get complicated. It's not just Harry. Though he doesn't help, since he's been not dead."

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