Into The Ground

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    When Eggsy woke up, he was on a plane for America with a passport in his pocket that had a name that was not his own. "George L. Holt" it read.

Merlin had somehow managed to drag him on this domestic flight. He turned around to see, reading a newspaper two rows down, Merlin.

Eggsy recalled their previous night of investigation, where he drank a little more than he should have. Grieving does something to you. When you've fallen in love, and that love's been maimed, it's like you're an exposed wound.

The reality was that he never got to tell his best mate and girlfriend that he loved her. Not before she met her end. There was hope that Roxy could still be alive. But that's all it was, hope. She'd possibly resurface once their enemy was taken out, either that or he'd have avenged her by destroying whoever killed her. Or he would die trying.

Roxy's visit to Plymouth was a successful one. Her friend in military intelligence was able to get hold of the origin of the missile that had done the damage to Kingsman. Roxy also found out that the owner of the estate where the missile had launched, 'wasn't your average joe' as the Americans would say it.

On her flight to America, Roxy diligently studied "poppy" 's file. That is, when she wasn't feeling sick to her stomach. What she found was astounding, and haunting. This woman lost her husband in an accident back in 1990. He was a butcher and one of the beef shredder machines broke at the worst moment. Poppy sold the cows and with that money built a fortress to keep herself in solitude.

Roxy just didn't see her motive or possible motive. It didn't make sense, but everything pointed to her. To Roxy, it smelled like a trap. She was going this alone. But it was the only way she saw that she could insure the safety of her fellow Kingsman agents. Not just Eggsy, but Percival, Merlin, and the other knights. Anyone who messed with Kingsman had to experience the consequences, and be made to understand that they were a pack, a family. If you came after one and their home, the others would most assuredly come after you.

Than it hit her. She was not only going this alone, but was pregnant as well. Roxy had forgotten that last part in recent hours. Until she began barfing again. She had only just found out the existence of her child within her, and it had already started given her gifts. Not the pleasant kind though. And Eggsy still didn't know...

Roxy touched down in JFK airport in New York, where her non-Kingsman contact greeted her.

"Anne. You look well." A man about her age embraced her jollily. His name was Robert, and he had grown up with Roxy, and was one of he first orphans brought to the Morton manor.

"Robert. You as well, look well. Nice suit. You look sharp." Roxy admired his business attire, that was tailored specially for him.

"All thanks to my wonderful tailor. I think her company was Kingswoman as it were." Robert joked.

"About that contact, and car I asked about?"

"All ready for you Anne. Like I said, I'd always have your back."

Robert lead her to the car that he had lent her. Five men sat squarely inside it, each of them packing some sort of weapon be it seen or unseen. Robert introduced Roxy to the head of the group, who's Marine tattoos were all the resume he needed. He was a loyal and honest, but hard man. Merritt was his name, and Roxy trusted him.

Robert hugged Roxy and bided the group farewell. He had stocks and markets to get back to, he had said. Roxy was glad of that too. She loved Robert like a brother, and she really did want him as far away from her as possible, for his safety. Thus they headed for upstate New York that very minuet.

Merritt and his crew followed every command given by Roxy.

They were also just a great group of chaps. Funny but professional. They seemed well experienced too, that Roxy was glad of.

"We're nearing our destination now ma'am," Merritt informed Roxy.

"That right? You boys ready?"

The men all uttered a yes ma'am, and followed Roxy out of the van, and onto the premise of Poppy's estate. Although it was in upstate New York, it felt like they were in the tropics. The plants that had overgrown the seemingly abandoned estate left a strange and eerie feeling.

Fit with her combat gear and bullet proof suit, Roxy scoped the compound while four of the men scoped the perimeter. What Roxy stumbled upon was a fully furnished and functional little town at the center of Poppy's over grown vegetation filled property. A single diner, movie theater, and quaint little house.

As Roxy and Merritt entered the empty diner, they both lowered their guns to look at each other in confusion.

"What is this place? I thought there'd be missiles or a missile launch at least..." Merritt whispered.


Merritt and Roxy simultaneously lifted up their guns at the sound of the mechanical sounding alarm.

"I'm not even going to guess what that was," Merritt remarked.

Two robot bull dogs walked out, glistening in the sun, standing defensive stances. Their silver sharp teeth were exposed, and a low growling sound came from the speaker around their necks, which Roxy assumed to be their voice box. They had collars too, which meant they had an owner who could take full responsibility for what they were about to do.

"Boys, we need back up at our location," Merritt ordered into his com. The reply was radio static. "Boys?"

Merritt and Roxy took slow steps away from the menacing dogs. Roxy could feel the danger surrounding them. She glanced at her large Marine counterpart, and saw the sweat on his brow, and noticed the stern worry on his face. His fellow men MIA, and his current situation undoubtedly grim.

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