Tailored to Last

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Eggsy and Roxy ducked to cover, back inside the pub, taking quite a few bullets to the back of their suits. The suits which took the lethality out of the bullets, always made sure to leave some of the pain.
Roxy and Eggsy grunted in pain, as they positioned themselves up against the thickest wall in the pub. Which also happened to be the one closest to the door. Roxy quickly fixed her hair back, so it was out of the way. So fast that Eggsy spared a moments thought to how efficient she was when changing hair styles, and how she always managed to pull off every one.

"We alright?" Roxy pulled out her Kingsman issued handgun, shoving in a shotgun round and a fully loaded magazine. Her face was determined, her stance strong.

They were leaning shoulder to shoulder. Their backs to a wall that was quickly being obliterated by hundreds of bullets. Eggsy wanted to answer with a loud 'NO'. Out numbered, out gunned, exhausted, and 1/2 pregnant. 'No we are not okay' he wanted to say. Instead he just smiled at her unconvincingly.
"You know what? I was thinkin, we should take a holiday after this mission. Somewhere nice." Eggsy loaded his gun.
"I like that idea. Somewhere with no skydiving available. Maybe a cruise." Roxy offered.
"The Mediterranean, or something like that." Eggsy thought aloud.
She smiled. "I'd like that."
"We're ready?" Eggsy placed an affectionate hand over Roxy's womb.
She placed her hand over his, and they locked eyes. "We're ready."

Roxy made a glance at the now abandoned bar that Eggsy acknowledged. The two of them took turns covering and shooting back through the door, while they moved closer to the cover of the bar. Each of them took more and more painful hits. Most Eggsy tried to take for the three of them. 'Bless the tailor who made these' he uttered as his suit continued to save his life.

Meanwhile the brigade of shooters were getting closer to entering. They had thought their mission was a success, until return fire erupted from the small door. Ten men were hit from those quick and precise shots. They were ordered to go in and finish it.

"There's two of them! Forty of you!" Harvey Boyd shouted at them, and they listened.
They all filed into the bar, sights set to kill, per his instructions. All except for the two at his side and the four holding Harry Hart.

"Bad decision Mr. Boyd." Harry said still struggling to get free of his restraints. "Many other agents would be just two agents. Any other two agents actually. But they're not."

Harvey Boyd snickered, shaking his head while doing it. Two agents versus his unbeatable army of forty. The victory of those agents was inconceivable. Regardless of what the man who was previously with them, said. He was Harvey Boyd, the current head of Murkery industries, and the last prominent man standing of the Vargas group. The group that made it big off of illegal weapons dealings. A group that had been affiliated with Radcliffe's operations.
Boyd smiled as the sound of gunfire erupted yet again, from inside the pub. He could see the flashes and smell the gunpowder in the air. 'Not long now' he thought.
A loud scream was heard from the inside of the pub. A scream belonging to a man older then that of the two agents being hunted. The pub erupted in a large and fiery explosion, sending the men in it flying alongside the derbies aflame.

"Arrivederci!" Harry Hart shouted, saying a goodbye to the pub and the army Boyd had put so much faith in.

"Shut up!" Harvey shouted at Harry, turning his face away from the burning scene of humiliation. Turning his face away from the incoming two agents he had underestimated.

"No. Why don't you?" Roxy punched the man square in the jaw, landing him on the ground. She kicked him in the face, and shot his leg with a gun shot round. While Eggsy quickly took out the two men at his side. The element of surprised should never be unappreciated.
Placing a shoe on his chest Roxy pointed her gun at Boyd's bloody face. She nodded at Eggsy who jumped in to get the four remaining men off Harry's back.

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