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"Now what have we here?" A redheaded woman with an American southern accent said.

Poppy. Roxy thought.

Poppy came out to stand next to the dogs, who's eyes were still glued to Roxy and Merritt. "Now, things certainly have gotten interesting, haven't they?"

"I suppose that would depend on your definition of 'interesting' now wouldn't it?" Roxy smiled.

Poppy smiled sideways back at her. "Benny, Jet..." the robot dogs twitched at the sound of their names, their paws tapping in anticipation of their orders. For robots, they were surprisingly lively. They were dog-like in almost every aspect besides looks.

"Hold boys," Poppy said soothingly. "I never thought I'd meet another Kingsman in the flesh. I'm already sure you're one of them, dear. No offense to you," she spared a seconds glance at Merritt, before she gave her full attention to Roxy. "I thought I'd either have killed you all or forced you all into hiding. Never, in a million years, did I think one of you would be so stupid as to walk right into my trap. Tailored just for a Kingsman agent, if you know what I mean. I guess you English sound smarter than you are."

"You're quite right. Our accents really do make us sound smarter, more dignified, more charming. It's such a pain, having all these stereotypes to live up to. Somewhere along the line, I think we stopped caring, actually." The Kingsman agent tilted her head as if to challenge Poppy to continue to engage her in the game of dialogue. But Poppy proved to be a woman of few words, and more action.

"Ha. And you're funny too. Too bad. Benny, Jet, eat these folks for lunch."


The two robot dogs launched themselves at Merritt and Roxy, who's guns went a blazing. It was a spectacular show of lights and horrid sounds, from Poppy's perspective. From the outside looking in, it made out to be a horror show.


"What's that?" Eggsy Unwin asked Merlin, from behind lush vegetation that was keeping them hidden, as they sat not too far from the building.

"Not something good. I can say that for sure." Merlin pulled out a pair of very new and very technologically advanced binoculars.

Eggsy snatched them out of his hands, "Thank you." Eggsy brought them to his eyes and nearly lost his grip. "Holy-"

Merlin snatched them back, "Those were a gift, now let me see what all the fuss is about... Oh good Lord. Roxy?"

Eggsy grabbed the binoculars back from Merlin, "Yeah. Roxanne Morton, who is single-handedly taking on two robot dogs while a menacing figure looms over her. My Rox. Who's alive." Eggsy's ear to ear grin was slowly decreasing as he watched the two robot dogs start to get the upper hand in the fight.

"Robot dogs?" Merlin snatched the binoculars right back, "I've got to see this. Oh wow. You got em. Watch the left!"


Eggsy grabbed the binoculars back again, just as Roxy got the barrel of her broken rifle to stick right into the neck parts of one of the dogs, who started twitching uncontrollably afterward. "Good girl, Rox!"

Merlin stopped him, "Now what are we doing? This is not our mission. Though I'm so very glad that it popped up. We need to find who, what, when, why, and how to stop it stat. We've also gotta help Lancelot if she's in trouble."

Eggsy frowned as he continued to watch her valiant fight. "She's inevitably going to lose."

"We can't extract her, not yet, Eggsy." Merlin frowned

"I know that..." Eggsy put down the binoculars after the fight took a turn for the worse. "So, we all knew that it was an obvious trap. She made the first move to spring it. We've gotta play it smart. And Rox, you know Lancelot, she's not the helpless type. She doesn't scream in agony, she makes other people do that for her. Because she's alive," Eggsy paused and took a brief moment to savor those two words and what they meant, "she'll be fine. We've gotta figure out what this woman wants with Kinsman and what she's doing here."

"I agree. We need to search this compound, thoroughly too."

Without even a second passing, Roxy's scream was heard loud and too painfully clear. Eggsy's face turned a lighter shade. "I'll be right back." Eggsy began walking towards the diner, without as much as a word of protest from Merlin. He couldn't let anything happen to her, he was her partner, her best mate.

Eggsy took in a deep breath, and all his composure resurfaced. He smiled a small smile. "Nothing we haven't done before." He said to himself before he rushed in with his gun in his hand and his umbrella in the other.

Just as he stepped in through the shiny doors, a single gunshot rings through the whole room. Eggsy looked forward and watched as the redheaded lady falls to the floor with a gunshot wound to the chest. She fell dead, to the floor immediately. "I did not see that coming." Eggsy uttered under breath.

The one who pulled the trigger lay on the floor, covered in machine oil, and robot dog parts. She coughed a couple of times and stood up before Eggsy had a chance to help her up. She locked eyes with the astounded Eggsy, and she then turned from him to see if her fallen comrade had made it. Merritt, the marine, and contractor for hire had been the first of them to take a hit in the dogfight. He was hit hard too.

Eggsy rushed beside her to take a good look at the large man on the floor. He made multiple glances at her too. Checking to see if she was injured badly anywhere. To his great luck, he found nothing of any concern.


"He's still breathing. We need to get him extracted from here immediately."

A man who resembled Channing Tatum walked in and nodded at Eggsy, "I'll call it in." the man who Eggsy seemed to know said with a country twang in his voice.

"Good." Roxy sighed. "Could you check the perimeter for four other men, marines, same gear as this man?"

"Yes'm" The man with the cowboy had left promptly.

"And who's that?" Roxy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just some new friends of ours- Actually old friends, cousins you could even say."

"Ah," Roxy finally turned to face Eggsy, her eyes studying his face like it was the night before finals, her full attention was now on him.

He took a large breath but tried very hard to still seem composed and cool in his Kingsman suit,"Rox... I thought you were dead."

"Eggsy I can read a missile incoming alert." She joked.

"I know. It's just... It's so great that you're not dead."

"Oh come here," Roxy hugged the young man beside her, so glad that he was alive as well. "I wasn't certain either. That you were alive, I mean to say. I ended up doing some rash things. I was angry."

"You, rash?" Eggsy gasped playfully, "Never."

"There are..." she stood, with the help of Eggsy, she was now starting to feel the soreness as a result of her brawl, "things I need to tell you Eggsy."

"You did great by the way. Good job, Rox." Eggsy helped her walk over the dismembered robot dogs.

"Thanks. But there're some really important things that you should know."

"What?" Eggsy asked with his smile like there was nothing in the world that could phase him.

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