Under Fire

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    "Hello, do I know you?" Harry Hart smiled an innocent smile as he peered up from a singular page in a book on his hospital bed. He had been reading the same page in this book for days now, always forgetting what he just read.
    Eggsy sighed heavily, and Roxy swore she heard his heart sink to the bottom of his chest.
    "Yes. We're old friends."
    "Ah. I see. I don't know if someone's told you, but what I recall is that I can't recall anything ma'am. So sorry, but I don't know you or who you are."
    Roxy stepped closer to Harry, while Eggsy stayed back, "I know that. I'm just here to see you. To see how you're doing. They taking care of you?"
    Harry's face showed surprised delight. "I believe they're taking good care of me. Yet again, the long term things are all jumbled for me, but I'm staring to remember further back."
    Eggsy's eyes lit up.
    "For instance, I recall yesterday's snack of jello and crackers."
    "Very good. I'm glad." Roxy grasped his hand, as if they were dear old friends. Which wasn't actually true, but Hary didn't know that, and Roxy did a good job of forgetting it. "We're taking you home now Harry."
    "Oh." He said, sounding disappointed. "Should I be delighted to go home?"
    "Yeah. Yeah you should." Eggsy said finally joining the conversation. Though he sounded more mad than convincing.
    "You're quite fond of your home. You know." She added, with a sweet smile.
    "In that case, I'm excited to be heading home." Harry than went back to reading his page of a novel.

    "I know it's hard for you, but you need to calm down. He's not the Harry you knew, but he's still human. It's not his fault he was shot in the head and lost his memory."

    "It's not my fault I lost an eye either." Harry said, budding into the conversation.
    Roxy and Eggsy eyed him curiously.
    "Just because your backs are turned and your're speaking softly doesn't mean I can't make out what you're saying. I'm right here."

    "Sorry." Roxy said.

    Harry shook his head as if he was a little boy glad that his parents actually listened to what he had said. He looked up  with a face of boy-ish triumph as Eggsy cleared his throat.

    "That's not entirely true. Harry-- You sort of had it coming, loosing the eye. You stumbled out of a horror show and into the presence of the orchestrators. who you simply 'talked to'. You could've fought or ran , or defended yourself against them. Instead you just let them shoot you right in the head. Or eye socket. If I'm not mistaken."

    At Eggsy's flair of anger, both Roxy and Harry looked back at him with shock. Harry more so than Roxy.

    "I'm sorry. That was wrong of me." Eggsy said more to Roxy's disappointed face, than to Harry, who looked just as confused as ever.

    Roxy shook her head, "It's time to go" She grabbed Harry's shoulder, and tossed him a duster coat, as well as shoes, to go over his hospital gown.

    The three Kingsman agents stealthily and inconspicuously, made their way onto the privet jet piloted by a Kingsman ally, with no complications. That is, until right after take off, when they quickly realized that something was amiss.

    "You hear that noise?" Harry asked, the two agents in charge of his extraction from America, who were currently feuding.

    "No I'm not leaving my child with your mother!"

    "What's wrong with my mum?"

    "Absolutely nothing!"

    "Then why does it sound like you're saying the opposite of that?"

    "You misunderstand. I meant--"

    "I hate to try and break this up yet again, but I'm quite concerned over here. With that noise." Harry pointed up.
    Eggsy and Roxy both observed what Harry had. A mustered colored gas was spewing out of the air vents.

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