Death Squad

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"He's taken an interest in your careers. He's put a price on your heads and I sure ain't the last you'll have to defend against. I'm just one of many. They're all about here." The man smiled a sinister smile as his eyes looked around.

Roxy knocked the man out before he could continue on. She was sickened by his cynicism and acclimation. "I hated his smile."

Eggsy and Roxy shot around as gunfire irrupted from another direction. They left the man and ran into the closest alley, fire back as they went.

"Well that didn't take long." Roxy smiled, although always unconventional, she was always excited at gunfire coming towards her. It really got the adrenaline pumping.

Eggsy smirked. "Darling, I'm going to go for a stroll, care to join?" He lent out his arm, as gunfire it the wall right near them. Roxy took the arm, and Eggsy opened up his umbrella, and they strolled towards the gunfire as leisurely as anyone on a walk in a park. They got to the mercenaries and utilized their close quarters combat skills. Knocking out the three men dressed in black from head to toe. They were able to find a slight ID off of one of them, that they quickly sent through their system to identify the origins of. They were perturbed to find no results of any kind.

      "We'll find another lead. Don't worry."

"You sure about that Eggs?"

      Eggsy let out a curse as he looked to his watch. "We've got to go."

      Roxy took a look around them. "Eggsy. There's no one here."

      "But there could be, and we promised we'd get to dinner."

      Roxy rolled her eyes, she could not believe that Eggsy was still set on dinner at the Wenovich's. People they hardly knew, and could barely trust. A lesson learned long ago was that aged folks are not always so sweet. Assassins and agents had to grow old sometime.

      Eggsy grabbed Roxy's unwilling hand and rushed to an apartment that sat atop a pub. They were welcomed in with smiles by the elderly couple.

      "So Ritchie," Eggsy asked after taking a mouthful of the Carbonadeflamandeor stooflees, and giving a approved looked to his 'wife'. "A beautiful home you have here. How long have you lived in this town?"

      The old man shook his head, and looked to his wife, Galiana or Gal. "I don't know. Ten, twenty years perhaps. Where does the time go when you're with the love of your life?"

      "How long have you two been married?" Galiana asked kindly.

      At this Roxy squeezed Eggsy's hand to get the point across that they should've come up with a synchronized cover for this story hours ago. They should be overly prepared instead of under prepared.

      "Well, we met at a training. Tailor training, about I don't know two years ago." Eggsy Lied convincingly, but both him and Roxy knew there was truth to the story. "I remember when we both met, she had a firm hand shake about her and was tougher than the fellows. Though she was nice to me. We fell in love soon after and got married even sooner."

"I guess I just knew he was the one, after he risked everything to save my life of course." Roxy tilted her head at Eggsy, he was smiling a little to real in this moment. Yet they both knew the memory. So many feet in the air. They both could never stop laughing about the incident after it had happened and Eggsy told her he actually had a parachute in his pack. They stayed up all that night laughing at themselves and celebrating their victory.

Galiana caught the glance, and inquired about it's origins further. "What a gentleman. A life saver. Tell us about it dear."

"Saved her from the clutches of death, good man. What tailor devise posed a deadly threat?" Ritchie took a swig of his ale.

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