Time Jump

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    "He doesn't beat you, does he?" A middle aged woman said, to Roxy at the grocery store. She was looking to Roxy's ring finger, then to her bruised eye and arm with genuine concern.
     Roxy nearly laughed, but contained herself with a large smile. "On dear no. My husband, he's one of the sweetest people on the planet. He's never raised a finger to me. The bruises are from work. I'm a-- I train people in self defense. Sometimes I take a hit." It wasn't a total lie, she did train with Eggsy, or Percival every now and again.
     The woman seemed only slightly convinced, as she gave Roxy one more word of comfort, and headed out of the store.
     Roxy sighed, after 5 years of Kingsman, lying to people about what she really did never got any easier. But she did it to protect these people on the streets and in these grocery stores. The kind hearted people she could never speak honestly to.  Luckily, she thought, there was always someone she could speak honestly to. In whatever she needed, throughout these years.
    Roxy got home and began working on dinner. Cooking was something she had improved at over the past few years. Eggsy even took her to the movies, something he hates to do, after she made her first decent meal.

    The front door swung open, and a young girl rushed in. A blond teenager threw her backpack to the floor and ran up to Roxy for a careful side hug. "I'm heading over to Daisy's for movie night. Be back in the mornin, yeah?"
    Roxy smiled, Fiona Boyd, or Foura didn't need Roxy's permission to do anything, but she always asked for it and checked in just the same. The little girl they had practically fostered since she had successfully made it out of the specified post-Radcliffe habilitation program, was now a member of their household and a best mate to Eggsy's little sister, Daisy.
    "That's right. It's Friday. You know Eggs is gonna miss seeing you."
    Foura shrugged. "We'll hang in the mornin. I'll bring Dais, JB and D too." She plopped a carrot from the kitchen into her mouth. "He doesn't admit it, but he loves that I can spy and report on his sister and mother while I'm also hanging with my best mate."
    Roxy nodded. "That is true... Have fun now. And Fee?"
    "Try not to hurt anyone too badly if they have the misfortune of jumping you, this time. A'right?"
    Foura smiled, "I wouldn't dream of it, or of using the four new Israeli martial arts techniques you've taught me." She said sarcastically and unconvincingly, then she walked out the front door, with her years-old umbrella in hand.

    Only a few hours went by, then feet shuffled and keys jingled at the front door. Eggsy waltzed into his home to swoop his wife into his loving arms.
    They stood in the kitchen holding each other and exchanged lovers whispers in ear. If they could they would have stayed there for an eternity. 

Eggsy drew his head back, a large smile on his face. There were bags under his eyes. Though those couldn't compare to the relief and joy that filled his eyes. He was so happy to be home. Roxy was beyond happy to have him safe in her arms.
    The danger in their jobs never wavered, and never gave them a break. Thus every embrace was precious, and every breath was a blessing. Especially when many months went by without them having the chance to see each other.
   "Wha' this?" Eggsy brushed a finger under her bruised eye, concern filling his voice.
    Roxy pulled his hand down to place it to rest in the small of her back. "It's nothin." She took the glasses off of Eggdy's face, and rested her arms on either side of his head. They were inches apart. "Occupational hazard." Roxy smiled as she began to sway them back and forth to the music she had been playing.
        Roxy traced the large scar on his neck, then his cheek over wrinkles that weren't there when they met six years ago. "Is it possible that you've begun to age since we've last seen each other?" she said with her humorous smile.
        "Perhaps... It is quite possible that you have only grown in beauty since I last saw you?" He smiled cunningly.
        "Damn you. Always saying the sweetest, right thing..." which was something she loved greatly about him.
Frank Sinatra's The Way You Look Tonight, was the current track on the old record player. With each sway, kiss, and smile, a worry or fear made its way out of the door, and out of their minds.
    "Yes, you're lovely," Eggsy sang along to the song with honesty.
    "...oh, but to love you," Roxy sang with ease, never skipping a beat.
    "And the way you look tonight, Mrs. Unwin." He smirked, and she kissed him.
    "I'm so glad you're safe." Roxy said, breaking the singing cycle, much to Eggsy's petty disappointment. He could sing everything he said all day, without hesitation.  
    "And I you." Eggsy sighed heavily. It had been far too long since he had been home. Home, which was where Roxy was.
    "A tough go?"
    Sometimes he swore she read his mind. "Yeah. More so these past few. I had a few undercover ops. Which you know I have a strong distaste for.  And any days away from you is a day too many. Somethin we both agree on."
    She nodded her head.
    "'Nough bout me. How are you, my girl? You've been busy. All your assignment these past three months..."
    She shrugged. "It was work. Rough. But I got some good punches in. Did some work I'm proud of. Brought you back my reports, just like always." Roxy smiled.
    "Me too." Eggsy glanced over at his briefcase.

They always brought home their hard copy mission reports, that they would read simultaneously over tea. Asking questions here and there, while complimenting tactics, and seeing what it was that one of them was shaken up over.  It was a home tradition. They never talked on the phone about missions, or via text or email. Their organization operated at the highest level of discretion. Thus they burned their hard copy reports after reading them. It was also a great way to keep work life from home life when they could manage it.

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