Infatuation of Expectations

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    It was a mutual decision that they discontinue their team missions together. It wasn't a typical thing for two Kingsman agents to be in a partner type situation as Eggsy and Roxy were, in the first place. For the sake of their relationship's longevity, and professionalism, they sat down with Merlin.

    "We love having each other as partners, but we don't need each other to succeed. We've decided that Kingsman could use more coverage on the map. We enjoy each other's company too much to keep taking advantage of the team missions." Eggsy said, glancing at Roxy.

    "Though we'll work together when the time calls for it. Happily." Roxy added.

    "About damn time," Merlin said, pushing the glasses up his nose, "we've needed you split ages ago, and since you were both rookies we-- well I thought I'd let you have it. Keep an eye on each other and getting acclimated. Speaking of about time, we've finally finished vetting the remaining out of service Kingsman agents. You both better be ready to meet the new Arthur. 0060 hours, be here suited up and the other knights will be tuning in as well. Than you're both getting your next assignments." Merlin handed them both tablets with their missions all mapped out. "Lancelot, you fly out first thing this afternoon. Galahad, you're first thing tomorrow morning. But local."

    Eggsy glanced at Roxy, he knew they would be seeing less of each other, but he hadn't realized just how soon.

    "By the way, you'll both be pleased to know that the wrap-up of the Radcliffe operation is going swimmingly. That drug injection devise that you found off his body, Roxy, was quite the jackpot. We were able to track the drugs and the devise to a large underground dealing and manufacturing drug company that he had partnered with. They've all been taken care of, and dismantled thanks to you two. Also, I'm sure you'd be curious as to know what happened to the children you saved. They're doing well, all trying to adjust to childhood life. We thought it best not to separate them, and give them all slow and steady movements into society. You've both been given authorization to visit them if you'd like. Anytime you're open, which will be no where near soon, knowing your schedules."

    "Fantastic to hear, Merlin." Roxy said, her eyes sparkling.

    "Now you'll see in your briefing Galahad, that your mission requires you to get a brand spakin new suit. Mr. Harold will take care of you down stairs. Whenever you're ready."

    "That it?" Eggsy asked.

    "That's it. Good luck you two."

    The two agents made their to the tailor.

    "No, it's alright. I can do it. I need to practice anyways. I am a tailor aren't I?" Roxy said, as she politely took the measuring tape from Mr. Harold, the old man who's job as cover tailor did a fantastic job at tailoring. He did teach all the kingsman their craft too.

    As Roxy fitted Eggsy for his brand new red velvet suit, it finally hit him. He had a seriously hot girlfriend, who was also a serious girlfriend, whom he had never properly introduced his mother. He'd never even brought her to meet his kid sister. Though the time for that would come. Just like the sun always did morning after morning. The inevitability of a future with the girl he fell for, was the reassurance he needed to keep him from slipping up. He had something he had to live for, and someone to make proud. Thus, he could never fail.

    "Two Kingsman together is uncharted territory." Mr. Harold said, leaning on the door post, looking on at them with his signature kind, old, green eyes.

    Eggsy turned to him, "We can be the Trail Blazers." He said, with a fiery foresight in his eyes, and a smile on his face.

    "Professionally." Roxy cut in, smiling at Mr. Harold, and straightening Eggsy's neck to take the right measurements.

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