A Tragedy Story

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    "It's a tragedy when two lovers have to die. All in the same day, when all I wanted was to create the perfect child for them. I wasn't going to kill anyone! Not till after the deed was done, however."

    "You're sick Radcliff."

    "At least I'm not sick in love with a dead man. I've never been sick in love, thank heavens! Or I might have reproduced, a sick and week and ugly version of myself, doomed to live in a world where perfection is exactly what they're not."

    "I'm so glad you didn't reproduce too." Roxy fisted Radcliffe's leg, to get him off the needle. She pulled it from her side and stabbed him with it.

    Radcliffe wouldn't have it, though he did seem to be finally slowing down. He inhumanly pulled out the thorn from his side, and began stabbing Roxy with it again. She was only able to doge four blows, due to her being on the floor, and in unimaginable pain. She was stabbed three more times however.

    "You were suppose to listen to me! To do my bidding!" He was screaming.

    Roxy had to think fast or she'd be all sorts of immobile. Just to the left of her a power socket was lending it's energy to a power chord that led to a nearby vacuum charging station. Radcliffe was surprisingly, and freakily a clean freak, who's vacuum robots roamed the halls.
    Roxy grabbed the chord, and used what strength left that she had to jump on Radcliffe's back. She used the chord to wrap it around his neck. He fought back hard, throwing punch after punch at Roxy's back and legs. He didn't seem to feel the suffocation his was going through. As he fell to the ground with Roxy on top of him, he let out a last few words. "Beau... ah-- chil... could've-- ...ade"

    Roxy punched his face a few more times after he had died just to be sure. She checked his pockets and found a device that seemed to control the locks of the whole underground facility. Roxy also found in his jacket, a drug injection device. The man didn't seem to take a hit like a normal man because he couldn't feel anything. Roxy scoffed, then pocketed the device.

    Just as she stood and started to walk away from a room she would rather leave to be forgotten. Footsteps of a large group sounded in the distance. They were getting closer, and fast. Roxy went back to Radcliffe's corps and took the chord from his neck, which was dripping blood. She neared the corridor's end as she prepared to attack the incoming assailants.

    Eggsy and a dozen children came running around the bend, right into Roxy.

    "Rox!" Eggsy shouted with concern. She did not look okay.

    "I'm fine Eggsy." She said halfheartedly, while she counted and observed the children he had following him, and the baby in his arms.

    "We've got to go, now." Eggsy turned to 24, who he had given a new name, "Foura, help my best mate out would ya?"
    The little girl went to Roxy's side, and much to the kingsman agent's surprise, was able to help carry half of her weight. Roxy was, at this time, so happy she had deformed Radcliffe's face, she couldn't possibly imagine what these children would do to her if they had seen her kill their master.

    Just as they started to pick up speed, a base wide alarm started to ring. Red flashing lights flickered everywhere. "This way!" Roxy shouted and led the way holding Radcliffe's devise in her hand.

    The rest of Radcliffe's children, who didn't come with Eggsy, were with a group of Radcliffe's men, and gaining on them. Eggsy, Roxy and the kids were able to make it to the outside world, above ground. Right before Radcliffe's brainwashed men caught up to them.

    "Rox! Call home!" Eggsy shouted as he started to take on ten of Radcliffe's men, with a baby still in his arms. The children, all of them, had frozen in place about them. They were looking around in awe astonishment at the very boring town of Watterveilt, Belgium. They had never been to the outside world or breathed fresh air. Their complexions of wonder were evident of that.

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