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Jamila Rose.
Chapter 3
January 15.2016

I had just got my nurses licenses in the mail today and it is official. I am a ER nurse. Which is why I'm in the club to celebrate my major accomplishment.

  I was swaying my hips to the rhythm of  Man Down by Rihanna. I smiled as I looked over at my girls. They were all winding they ass into some random stranger.

I bit my bottom lip as the Dj somehow made the transition from Man Down to Cha Cha by DRAM. I laughed as some stranger's aroma engulf me as they wrapped their arms around my waist and began to move with me. I was slightly impressed the person was keeping up with me. I looked over at my crew trying to judge their reaction. I wanted to know if the person was cute or not. But of course they either ignored me or raised their eyebrow and smirked.

I felt the person turn me around. I groaned as I came almost eye to eye with the person who was holding me like I was the sexiest thing on earth. I laughed as they spun me out. I bit down on my lip to take in all of the beauty in front of me. I could have damn near fainted.  I watched as the smirk on her face slowly started to turn into a faded smiled.  She was way past cute. She was fine as fuck.

I laughed as I grabbed her hand and began to test her dance skills. I was on the balls of my feet as the hand she had placed on my waist moved my hips side to side. She was really good. I probably should've worn heels instead of my Jays. But this was a random outing. I smiled as she twirled me around and I wrapped my leg around her waist as she slowly rocked us back and forth.

I bit my bottom lip as I took in her appearance even more. She had on some black dress pants, white button down dress shirt with black suspenders holding up her pants, she was very well dressed to be in a club. She had swagger. Like those old men back in the 50s type of swagger. Her body just exudes that of an older person. It was different and extremely refreshing.

I smiled as she spun me back out. I let my eyes scan over her hair that is pulled back into a tight ponytail. You could tell her hair was all hers and natural by the waves she had neatly brushed back and held together by a black rubber band. Her gaze was making me smile harder than I wanted. I looked down at her feet and notice she had on some black converse. I chuckled a bit as my eyes traveled up arm and to her left wrist which held a gold chain link bracelet and the right one held a gold watch. My eyes finishes their journey and landed in her face.   Her smile was pearly white and her teeth were straight.  I loved a pair of nice teeth and she had them.

"You can dance a little bit papi," I said trying to sound as unaffected by her appearance as possible.

She laughed and spun me around so my back was against her front. I slowly moved my ass into her pelvis as her arms pulled me closer into her body.  I smelt the Henny on breath mixed with winterfresh gum and maybe a hint of weed.

"I can do a little something," she said with a strong but yet very soothing voice.

I relaxed my body more into hers as we dance to the song.  For some reason my body felt really comfortable in the arms of this stranger. I turned back around as the Dj Mixed in another DRAM song. I bit my bottom lip as CareTaker took over the system.

"I can see papi," I said and smirked.

"You need to stop saying that before you get into some trouble babygirl," she said smoothly.

"I think I already got into something," I told her.

I saw her lick her lips as a small smirk played on her lips.

"I'm Rainie, but you can call me Rain or whatever you would like that sounds sweet," I watched her lips as her comment rolled off her tongue so smoothly.

"I'm Jamila Rose but you can call me Mila," I told her and smirked.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," she said.

Fuck. This nigga could spit some smooth ass game. I could listen to her talk all night and never get tired of it.

"You're a smooth ass dude huh?" I asked her.

She laughed and licked her lips.

"I've been told I'm slick with my words Ms.Rose ," she said as my knees grew a little weak.

I moved my hand down to her waist and to her phone and unclipped it from her belt. I can be pretty smooth too.

"I'm smooth with my hands papi," I told her and held up her phone.

She laughed and nodded her head as she pulled back and took her phone back.  She swiped the phone to the right and handed it back to me. She has to be single; she has no passcode on her phone at all.  Thank goodness. I was hoping she wasn't out here creeping because she was a dream come true.  I smiled and placed my number in her phone and handed it back.  She looked at me and smirked.  I watched as she checked her phone and I felt mines vibrate in my back pocket.

"Now you have mines," she said and winked at me.

I felt her grab my hand and pull me back into her.

"You might be slick with your hands, but I'm slicker," she said and placed a kiss on my neck as her hand slowly but quickly ran over my ass.

I smirked and pushed her back just as the song changed again.  I looked over to my girls to see them giving me thumbs up and winking at me.  I saw my guy James humping the air and sticking his tongue out. I blushed and laughed. Just when I turned back around Rainie had vanished off into the crowed.  Damn maybe it was just a dream.

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