Lay up to stay up

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J Rose.
Chapter 14
January 25,2016

I felt her pull me closer to her as we laid on my futon that was in my smoke room. It was going on 1 in the morning and we had just been talking, smoking and laughing. I felt her hand start to slowly rub my stomach.

"Are you asleep?" she asked me as her hand got lower.

I bit down on my lip wishing she would touch me. I haven't been touched in a while and she was making it hard for me to hold out on her for a little while longer.  Especially after our makeout session we had earlier. Her lips are so damn soft and skilled it was ridiculous. She had my panties soak and my heart melting even more.

I felt her fingertips play with the band on my shorts. I had changed into my basketball shorts and a t shirt. I couldn't get comfortable in my dress because I couldn't trust myself around her and I would have end up giving her easy access. I bit down on my bottom lip. She was close but she didn't go there.  I guess she was waiting on permission.  I heard her sigh as her hand made its way up my shirt and back to my stomach.

" No I'm not sleep," I said just above a whisper.

I felt her sit up as she slowly turned me over and onto my back. I felt her lips come crashing down on to mines for the third time tonight. It was a slow but urgent kiss. I was losing the battle for control as her hand seemed to want to venture down lower. I felt her tongue run across my lips asking for permission. I opened my mouth a little wider as her tongue found mines and captured it in a slow dance.

I felt coolness, heat, electric waves of feelings rush throughout my body; I let out a slight moan as I let my right hand rest on top of her head and the other hand pulled  her closer to me by her waist.  I don't know if it was all the stuff in my system but I was loving the affection. She made her way on top of me and she settled between my thighs. The way our kiss was starting to transform into aggression was making my core heat up and new sensations start to develop. I wish we weren't fully clothed right now. I wrapped my leg around her waist.

Everything felt so damn right. It was scaring me because I have never felt this way before. I'm not sure if I'm enjoying it or loving it. I wanted her touch in every way. Physical and mental. I wanted everything she had offer me.

I felt her pull back and peck my lips. She rolled off of me and pulled me ontop of her as I rested my head on her chest and her left hand was on my ass and her right was rubbing my back. I bit down and squirmed a bit as her hand rubbed over my mid back. That was a huge ass spot for me. I don't think she notice, but what she was doing was turning me on a whole hell of a lot.

"So y'all kissed?" James asked me for like the 20th time.

"Yes," I said as I looked down and played with my fries.

"And it was good?" LaLa asked me as she jabbed her fork in her salad.

LaLa was a girl I meet while I was in school. She was coo' sometimes but from what I heard she is a gold digger. She will go out with anybody with money.

"It was amazing," I said and grinned.

"Then y' all smoked and talked. Then you woke up in your bed?" Ernie asked.

I nodded my head yes. I had left out a few minor details but they aint need to know all that.  I'm sure they would've  harassed me forever.

"Mmmmhmmm," James said and took a sip of his milkshake.

"Well shit I need to meet her then. Does she have a Instagram?," LaLa said.

" Fully dressed?" Frankie asked in disbelief.

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