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Chapter 93
June 17,2016

"Rain?" Ms. Rose voice came through my speaker.

She sounded stress and tired. I sat up in my chair. I guess the trip to the spa wore off pretty damn quick.

"Yes Ms. Rose?"

"I know you're still at work  but can you stop and pick up some diapers and a few other things for me? I swear I will pay you back. I just can't leave out of the house right now..."

"Text me what you need and don't worry about the money," I said.

I heard her sigh.

"Thank you baby," she said.

"Don't worry I will be home soon to help you out," I said as I looked at the time.

It was getting late. Coming close to 9 and I have just been sitting here finishing paperwork and trying to summon energy.

"I love you Rain," she said.

"I love you too Ms. Rose," I said.

She sounded like she needed to hear that. I smiled as I heard the kids giggling in the background.

"I will see you in a bit," I said.

"See you," she said and hung up.

I sighed and shut down my computer and locked everything up. I hopped in my car and drove to Target. I didn't feel like a Walmart trip. Walmart annoys the shit out of me when I'm sober. I sighed and parked. I ran my hand down my face. I was tired as fuck. Work and kids is some really rough shit. I see why my pops had so many fucking women coming in and out my life. I got out my car and walked into Target. I licked my lips and grabbed a cart.

"Well hello Rainie," some girl said.

Her voice was familiar but I wasn't up for any bullshit. I sighed and turned around. I squinted my eyes and sighed.

"Shit Jannett what do you want?" I asked her as I took in her appearance.

She had on some black leggings a pair of white pumas and a long ass tank t shirt thingy. Her hair was all curly. She looked at me and smirked as she crossed her arms.

"Nothing. Just seeing how you and your girl are doing," she said.

I smirked and licked my lips. I shook my head and grabbed the cart and walked away from an assault charge. I was tired and her presence was going to irritate me. I head to the baby section to grab what I came for and leave.

"Baby shopping huh?"

I ignored her and picked up some diapers.

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