Embarrassing Rain

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Ms. Rose
Chapter 116
September 21,2016

I smiled as I watched a younger Rain on the TV.

"I'm 20 and a funeral director," she said as she looked at the camera.

I bit my lip. Her accent was so thick and she had her hair shaved down the sides and back. It was a nice little undercut. She had a bandana tied around her head.

"Huh?" She said as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at whoever had asked her a question.

I watched as she laughed. Her smile was gorgeous and her eyes seemed to light up.

"Nah I'm single," she said and gave a half smiled.

I watched as she went against all the other amateurs. You could see she had tuned everybody out.

"Look at Rain. She moves so slow but yet quick. I mean she looks like a pro," one of the lady judges said.

"She is cute too," another one said as they laughed.

I watched as she moved smoothly around the kitchen.

"Where did you learn to cook?" The male judge asked.

"My pops and his many girlfriends," she said as they all laughed.

"Well they taught you well," the lady judge said as she winked at Rain.

"Well thank you the way to somebody's heart is through their stomach," Rain said as she winked at the judge.

I laughed. She was a flirt. She had all of them blushing.

"Rain was so damn high," Ricki said as she laughed and handed me a blunt.

"What do you plan to do with the money if you win?" The host asked Rain.

"Stocks and bonds baby. Want to have something nice saved up for my kids college fund. But if I don't have any kids Imma buy another motorcycle," She said in her thick accent.

I heard Rain come back in. She had been walking in and out for the past few minutes. I watched as she walked over and sat in her lazy boy.

"So you won. What are you going to do now?" The lady judge asked as she looked at Rain and smiled.

"Imma go double my money baby girl ," she said.

They all laughed and I smiled.  I watched as she got a chef jacket and placed it on her body. She stuck her hands in the pockets of her dress pants and smiled and winked at the camera. Then out of nowhere her pops came running out and tackled her into a big bear hug. He was a really handsome man. I laughed as Rain jumped on his back.
He was bent over laughing as one of Rains foot was up in the air and she had her bottom lip trapped between her lip as she snarled into the camera.

"That was before pops got sick," Rain said.

I looked over and saw some sadness behind her eyes.

"And that's where this dope ass picture came from," Taci said as she pointed to the same picture in the photo album.

I smiled as I ran my hand over the picture. I looked up as I heard Rain answer her phone. I watched as she got up and stepped into the kitchen.

"Oooo this was when Rain cut her hair off and it was starting to grow back," Heaven said.

I laughed as I looked at the picture. She actually looked good with the short curly fro. Rain had definitely matured over the years and you can see that in the pictures. They turned the page and there was a picture of Rain in an army uniform. The formal ones. She was smiling a little and her pops was smiling a lot. He looked so proud. I glanced at the picture under it she wasn't smiling and was in her camouflage uniform. Her arms looked so damn tone with her sleeves rolled up. I ran my hand over the picture. She looked like she had been through hell even though everything on her was neat. It was in her face.

"We don't talk about that," Heaven whispered.

"Why not?" I asked her and looked over at her.

"We don't know. When we ask she won't say anything. All I know is that she came back to us the same way she use to come back when she was little," she said.

I looked over at Rain who was getting harassed by Traci in the kitchen. She had so many secrets. She refused to tell them. But she wanted to I could see that every time she look at me. My baby was hurting and she was good at hiding her secrets.

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