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Chapter 67
May 1, 2016

I ran my hand over Rain's neck I had left a few marks on her last night. I had talked her into going to the funeral director's convention here in Vegas. We had been together for almost 3 months and I still haven't let her fuck me like she wanted to since the first time.

Don't get me wrong it was great. But I was scared of the feelings and the attachment I felt from it. I didn't want to become a clingy or overbearing girlfriend and I felt like the more I let her take my body to unimaginable heights I would become that. She had already told me that clingy girls turned her off and that's the last thing I wanted to do.

We were sitting in the hot tub that the hotel had. Her back was against my chest and her body fit nicely between my legs. I smiled as I ran my hand through her golden brownish hair. She had let the dye grow out and to me she was even sexier than before. I snapped her curls. I loved her natural hair color. I moved my hand down to her ear and began to rub it. Her body relaxed even more into mines.

"Rain?"  I said lowly.

I had been teasing her for a couple of weeks. No sex just teasing her. I knew she was getting fed up with it too.

"Yes Ms. Rose," she said lazily as her accent slipped through.

"Remember yesterday when I went shopping?"  I asked her.

"Yes," she said.

I smiled she was on her way to sleep.

"I bought something," I said and bit down on my bottom lip.

I felt my heartbeat quicken. I was nervous as fuck.

" I know. The room is full of bags," she said.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"It was only 3 bags you ass," I said and lightly choked her causing her to laugh and place her hands on my forearms.

"3 million bags," she said and chuckled.

"Shut up Storm," I said and giggled.

She laughed and nodded her head.

"What is your point?" She asked me.

"I bought something that you might like," I said and let her neck go.

I watched as she slowly turned around and looked at me.

"Impossible. I don't think I like anything more than spending time with a beautiful woman," she said and smirked.

I blushed and smiled at her. Old smooth ass man. I watched as she licked her lips and smiled at me.

"You are so damn sexy and slick with them words," I said and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Only when I have the right mues to help me come up with the right words," she said causing me to smiled harder.

"There goes my dimples," she said and laughed.

I laughed too and brought her into a slow kiss. She kissed me back and placed her hands on my waist and gave it a firm squeeze. I let out a soft moan and slowly pulled back. I placed my forehead against hers.

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