Cant be Normal

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June 1,2016
Chapter 85

"Dammnnn! She fucked you up," Frankie yelled as she moved Rains head side to side.

"Would you stop," I said and moved her hand.

I think Rains hearing was gone. She was looking calm but I could see it was bothering her a little bit. I bit my lip and placed my hands on the side of her face. I brought her faded gaze to me.

"You can't hear can you?" I asked her as she focused in on my lips. 

I smirked as her light brown eyes watched my
lips intensely . Her eyes were low as fuck and I know I was faded too. She bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head.

"I figured. Too much noise?" I asked.

She nodded her head. She didn't look to good at all.

"Wanna go some place with a little less noise?" I asked her.

"If you want to," she said.

"Okay after this ride," I said and turned back around in her arms.

I laughed at the idiots we had for friends as they talked about everything. I nudged Rain because Miguel was trying to get her attention. I don't know why she won't tell them she hard at hearing.

"Yes Ms. Rose?" She asked me as I looked up at her.

"I said Miguel is talking to you," I said as she watched my lips.

I looked at Miguel as he has his eyebrow raised and his arms crossed.

"What Miguel?" She asked him.

"I said who busted your lip?" He asked her.

That was a good question. We never got around to where she went last night and what happened.

"Sin little short ass," she said and chuckled.

"Damn! I missed a fight didn't I?" Nora said.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at Rain. She was reading Nora's lips.

"Who ass did you beat?"

"Uh like 12 or so of Mila's ex girl groupies," she said.

My eyes went wide. I turned around in her arms.

"You need help with 12?" Miguel asked.

"Not at all.  But DJ was there and just joined in. She took out about 12 herself,"
She said and chuckled.

"Y'all killed them niggas," Nora said and laughed.

"No Sin came out and started to beat our  asses before we could get good into the fight," she said and chuckled.

"Damn where at?" Miguel said.

"Uh 6 at Walmart and then like 14 or something at her crib," she said like it was nothing.

I bit my lip as I looked up at my girlfriend. Her sunglasses sat ontop of her wet hair. And the sunlight warmed her eyes to a rich honey color.

"Damn must've been some real light weight," Reggie said and laughed.

"Super light," Rain said and chuckled.

"What happened to Booker?" I asked her as I pulled her gaze to mines.

She was gonna kill Rain. Booker was the leader of some gang that wasn't even popular. That's why she worked at Walmart. It was a way for her to conduct business but she kind of sucks at it. But I did know she was pretty violent.

"Uh I don't know. She just up and left after the small altercation we had with her crew. She said she was going far away," Rain said and smirked.

"What did you do?" I asked her.

"She probably sent that bitch to Africa without a passport and shit," Nora said and laughed.

I looked at Nora then back at Rain who shrugged her shoulders. I bit my lip. I hope she did. I really did. But I also was worried. What if she found her way back and decided to take revenge on her.

"India actually," Rain said.

"Ooo the red light district?" Nora said.

I raised my eyebrow at the exchange of words. I was confused as hell. How does she have the connections to do something like that.

"Yeah," Rain said and chuckled.

"That bitch gonna be hoeing for her life and a passport," Miguel said and laughed.

This can't be normal for them. Can it?

"Did you watch the video Ms. Rose?" Rain asked me.

I shook my head yes. She has sent it late last night. It was Booker sucking some nigga dick in her crib. I kind of figured she likes dick too.

"What video?" Frankie asked.

"Rain went to her crib and she caught Booker head in some dudes area," I said and sighed.

"Damn let me see!" They all said.

I rolled my eyes as I reached in Rains swim trucks and fished around for my phone. I pulled it out and typed in the code in my iPhone and went to the video and handed the phone to them.

"Damn!" They all said.

"Got damn she know what she doing though?" Reggie said as he tilted his head to the side.

I felt Rain pull me closer to her body as she held me tighter and kissed my neck. I bit my lip as my body relaxed. She was putting me at ease. My thoughts seem to vanished as she sucked on my neck.

I smirked as her lips brushed against my ear.

"You look really good," she said.

I smiled and pushed my ass into her.

"You wanna ditch them for a bit?" She asked me.

I laughed and shook my head no. She groaned. I grabbed the phone out of Nora's hand and placed it back in Rains pocket. I wasn't worried about my phone getting wet. Rain had stopped and bought us waterproof cases before we got here.

"Next," the teenage girl said as she eyed Rain up and down.

I laughed and shook my head as I sat down in the inner tube and Rain sat behind me. I placed my hands on the handles as the girl gave us a light push with her foot.

"When we hit the water get out and run. I need a break. My head is killing me,"Rain said as we went down the water ride.

I smirked and nodded my head. I loved the moments like this. It was stress free.

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