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Chapter 19
January 28,2016

"One, two, three," I counted as me and Kim lifted the lady off the dressing table and into the casket.

"Shit," Kim said as we placed her in the casket.

"She is heavy," I mumbled.

Kim nodded her head and laughed. I looked down at my watch. It was pushing 5:30 and tonight I had a night out with the lovely J Rose. I was so glad I ran into her today. I had no idea what clothes to get for Mrs. Beckon. Kim thought it would be funny to call me while I was out to go get some clothes.

"You need anymore help?" I asked Kimmy.

"No go on your date Rainie," she said as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I laughed and nodded my head.

"I want to meet her too. Oh and I wanna hang out with you guys again!" She yelled as I made my way to my office.

"Alright I'll let you know when we all hook up," I yelled back.

I texted Mila and told her to make sure she is wearing comfortable clothing.  I wasn't on call tonight, which was like a vacation for me.  I got in my car and started it up. I waited for my phone to sync up with the Bluetooth and I turned up the sound of Jazz by Mick Jenkins.  I pulled off and made the short drive to my crib.

I pulled up and got out and headed into my apartment and straight to my shower. I sighed and got in as I let the hot water hit my body. After I took my quick shower I hopped out and got dressed. I grabbed my phones and headed out the door. I was running a bit behind seeing as I had some stuff to get ready for a service we had on Monday.  I pulled up to Mila's apartment and got out my car and walked up to her door and knocked on it.

My pops always told me to meet them at the door. You never know what might happen from the walk from the door to that car door.  I waited as she opened the door, I licked my lips as my eyes traveled down her body.She looked really good. She had on a grey Minnie Mouse sweatshirt and some light denim jeans and some wheat colored Timbs.

"Well Ms. Major. You are 40 minutes late. I didn't think you would be so early," she said as she moved to the side letting me in.

"I can leave and come back in two hours if you would like," I said and smirked at her.

She laughed and shook her head no. She closed the door behind me. I wiped my feet off and took of my coat and hung it up.  She looked at me and smiled.

"You look cute in your glasses I forgot to tell you that earlier ," she said as she walked closer to me.

"I was rushing this morning and I didn't have time to put my contacts in," I told her as I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me.

She looked up at me and smirked as I placed a soft kiss on her lips. I smiled as she looked down. I placed my finger on her chin and pulled her head up. I smiled down at her as her dimples got deeper.

"Good evening Ms. Rose," I said as her dimples got deeper.

"Good evening Ms. Major," she said.

"You look beautiful Ms.Rose," I told her as she giggled and pushed away from me.

"If you say so," she said and smirked.

"I do say so. And I would love to say a few more things," I said and smirked.

"Come on Rainie,"'she said as she grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.

I would be lying if I said I didn't watch her ass the entire time to the kitchen. It has been so long since I last had sex I lost count, I was so close the other night and earlier today. I didn't want to do nothing while we was both sort of fucked up. I would of felt bad for taking advantage of her. But in the store I almost took her into the dressing room. It's really hard to keep my beast of a libido in check.

"You want a beer?" she asked me.

"That is fine," I said.

I really just wanted to watch her bend over. I bit down on my bottom lip as her ass was up in the air.  I had a thing for girls who could dress tomboyish but yet still look girly. I was grateful she didn't have on heels. I love a girl in fucking heels.

I shook my head at the thoughts I was having. And the thoughts were getting dirty, only because I was imaging her in heels with her legs wrapped around my neck.

"What are you thinking about baby?" She asked me as she turned around.

I smirked as she walked over to me with the beer. She handed it to me and her eyes roamed over my body. 

"Some things," I smirked as I sipped on my beer.

"Things like what Papi," she said and smirked.

"Some very good things Ms. Rose," I said as I licked my lips.

Fuck it, I don't think I could resist from touching her in a way that would make her moan my name.

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