She's gonna leave

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Jamila Rose
Chapter 80
June 1,2016

I rolled over and cuddle into a cool pillow that smelled of her. I grabbed it closer to me as I felt the bed dip. I slowly opened my eyes to see Rain sitting on the edge. Her face was buried into her phone. I bit down on my bottom lip.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

My voice was gone and my head was hurting. I watched as she kept texting on her phone. I licked my lips and got out of her bed. I made my way around and stood in front of her. I placed my hand on her phone and pushed it down. She looked at me through her heavy eyes. She licked her lips and smirked at me.

"What time is it?" I asked her again.

I watched as she read my lips and processed what I asked her. Her tie was loose around her neck but her top button stayed in tacked. Her lip was busted and her jaw was starting to swell. Her ponytail was still in place but her shirt was still tucked in.

"Don't worry about that Ms.Rose," she said and sighed.

I took her phone out of her hand and notice that they were bruised. I bent down and placed my hand on her chin. I slowly moved her head side to side. She had a small cut in her hair line.

"Where did you go?" I asked her.

"To get some food but that was after I handled your Ex and her little ass squad," she said and licked her lips.

"Why did you do that? She is going to kill you!" I yelled at her.

I know she heard me because she slowly stood up. She unbuttoned her jacket and slowly took it off.

"She won't kill me and she won't be bothering you anymore Ms. Rose," she said as she walked over to me.

She wrapped her arms around my body and pulled me slowly and carefully into a secure hug. Her body was warming up and her heart rate was picking up.

"She won't. I handled it baby. She won't fuck with you anymore," she said and rubbed my head.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her closer into my body. I believe her something told me too . So I will. She is always true to her word. I pulled her closer and I felt her body tense up.

"You are hurting me love," she mumbled.

"Shit, I'm sorry baby," I said.

"I still can't hear you too well," she said and chuckled.

I buried my head into her shirt. I groaned I forgot. I heard her chuckle as she pulled back.

"Imma go get cleaned up. The food is on the stove," She said.

She pecked my cheek and placed her hands in her pockets as she walked to the bathroom. I gasped as I saw her bleeding through her shirt. She turned around and looked at me.

"Don't worry about that Ms. Rose. It's just a small cut," she said.

I felt the tears fall as my hands went up to my mouth. She turned around and finished her walk to her bathroom. I ran my hand down my face and followed her. I watched as she stood in front of the mirror. she looked in the mirror and smirked before she punched it. I jumped back and gasped as the mirror shattered.

"Fuck. I'm sorry pops," she said as looked down at her hand that was bleeding.

I grabbed the towel she had hanging on the shower rod and made my way over to her. I grabbed her hand slowly and unclenched the fist she had made. I slowly wrapped her hand in the towel. She looked over at me and she was completely blank. She had no emotion behind her eyes. Her light brown eyes were like staring in complete emptiness. I was scared. My legs wouldn't work. I finished wrapping her hand with my trembling one. She bent down and leaned in. Her lips brushed lightly against mines. She wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed me aggressively. I let out a small moan. Her action surprised me. She kissed me deeper and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"It's not that bad," she mumbled as she picked me up and my legs wrapped around her waist.

I was confused as hell about that comment. I moaned as her lips found my neck.

"You off tomorrow?" She asked me.

I placed my hands on her face and pulled her away from my neck. She looked at me and focused on my lips.

"Yes," I said.

"Me too," she said as she smashed her lips against mines.

I moaned into her mouth as she placed me on the sink. I gasped and pulled back as I tapped her shoulders. She looked at me and let out a small whimper.

"The glass baby," I said as her eyes traveled down to my breast.

"Okay," she mumbled and picked me back up.

I giggled and pushed her head away from my neck. She sighed and stopped walking.

"Put me down Papi. I have to clean you up and you have to tell me what happened and where you have been," I said.

"Fine. But It will have to wait until I'm done with you,"'she said and slide me down her body.

I looked up at her as she stared down at me. I shook my head and pulled her tie off. She placed her hands on my waist as I slowly pushed her suspenders off her shoulders. I moved my hands to her waist and pulled her shirt out of her pants. I started to unbutton her shirt.

"Ms. Rose," she said.


"Your trembling Ms. Rose," she said and stopped my hands at the last button.

I was so scared to see what was under her shirt. The condition of her body. Something I brought to her. I didn't want to see what Booker did. I felt her hand on my cheek.

"Stop crying Ms. Rose. I'm fine," she said as I looked up at her.

I slowly took her shirt off and let it fall to the floor. I looked down and untucked the black beater she had on. I slowly lifted up her shirt as my eyes scanned her torso. I ran my hand along the couple of bruise that were appearing on her side along with my nail marks on her stomach. I slowly walked around her body. I let my hands run over the burn marks from when she was little to the small scratches I had left on her back to her shoulder that had a small bruise appearing along with the stab wound on her shoulder that held her batman tattoo. I let my hand fall back to the burn she had. She tensed all the way up and relaxed.

"I told you it was small," she said.

I sighed and made my way back around her body. I rubbed the side of her face and smiled.

"Now go eat while I'll clean up," she said and pecked my lips.

"Let me do it," I said.

"You aren't going to ease up are you?" She asked me and smiled.

"Not at all Papi," I said and grabbed her hand.

"Okay Ms. Rose," she said.

"Let me shower first," she said.

I smiled and nodded as I made my way out of the bathroom. I ran my hands down my face as she closed the door. Once I heard the water shut on I broke down completely. She was hurt. She was hurt because of me. I brought nothing but hurt. I cried harder as I slid down the wall. She was gonna leave me. I know she will after this. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head in my lap as I cried over a relationship that I really wanted to work just crumbled before it started.

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