No Roses

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Chapter 4
January 17. 2016

I heard my phone ring.  I groaned and looked over onto the nightstand. I sighed it was only 6 am and I just got back from club hopping with my idiots of friends.  I reached over and grabbed it and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said trying my best to sound awake.

"Hi is this Rainie Major?" the voice asked.

I groaned and got out of bed looking for a pen and paper.  After taking down the information and calling this family back; I hopped in the shower. I told them I would be there within the hour. So a quick shower it was. I washed away all the smell of liquor and women I had meet and danced with last night.

I smiled when I remember dancing with this fine ass shorty at the Club Aqua. She was about 5'3 and hair stopped at her mid back. She was so damn sexy. I'm sure she is mixed with black and something else. whatever the combination is I would love to thank her parents. She had a nice round fat ass and had to be about a C cup and that  match perfectly with her petite frame. Just simply breathtaking. I even let shorty put her number in my work phone and not to many people got that number. But the way we moved and the way her body felt against mines felt so right. 

However I am not about to fall in that trap.  I got money. A lot of money so I have to keep my guards up. That and once they find out what I do for a living and realize how crazy my hours are they leave. But if shorty wanna be friends with benefits I have no issue with that at all.

After getting clean and putting on my underclothes and lotion up, I went to my closet and grabbed my black dress pants, a grey button down shirt with the white collar going around it. I pulled up my suspenders and placed my white bow tie around my neck. I grabbed my black Stacy Adams shoes and placed them on my feet.  I sighed and grabbed the jacket to the pants and placed everything I need into my pockets. I took off my dug rag and made sure my hair was still good and it was.  I smiled and placed on my gold watch and gold bracelet and head out the door for another busy day.

"Yeah it's me Mrs. Robinson," I said as I sat at my desk and scrolled through tumblr on my phone.

"Well what you need Rain? Shit. I know you better not order any damn roses," she mumbled.

I chuckled.

"Well I need two casket sprays, and four end baskets," I said as I sighed.

"Alright what you need on the first spray?" she asked me.

"I need some Roses white and red," I said and laughed as she cussed me out.

"Why they always want Roses so close to Valentine's day?"

"I don't know. But I need the baskets to match and on the ribbons I need grandfather, dad, husband and uncle," I said.

"They want Roses for a man?!" she said.

I laughed.

"Yes ma'am," I said.

" What's his name and when do they want them by?" she asked me.

"Umm service will be on Friday. So Thursday and his name is Othello Anderson," I told her.

"Okay and the other person?" she asked me.

" Rainbow carnations for casket spray and what ever colors you want for baskets," I told her.

" When you want them?"

"Same time. The name is Malcolm Diggs," I said.

"Alright Rain I'm put these orders in. Now don't call back with any more orders for roses," she said.

I laughed and nodded my head.

"Yes ma'am," I said before ending the call.

I sighed and sat back in my chair. I sat up and started to enter all the paperwork into the computer before I meet up with Miguel for lunch.  I felt my phone vibrate on my hip I groaned and unclipped it. I looked down and smiled when I saw it was a text from Ms. Jamila Rose.  I opened up the text.

'Jamila Rose'
    Hey Rainie!!!

I looked at the little smiley face and chuckled a bit.  I texted her back and sat my phone back down on the desk before finishing up my work. I grabbed my phone and jacket and made my way out the door.  But not before yelling that I would be back to my secretary  in the front office.  I hopped in my Cadi and pulled off to Chipotle to meet up with my Day 1.

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