A Note From The Author :)

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Hi everybody! I know, it's been a really, really long time since I've really been active on Wattpad at all, but I've returned with a special announcement!

See, my high school is doing a production of The Lorax for our school play, and it got me thinking about this story. When I originally wrote this, I had NO idea it would get nearly ass much attention as it has. And that's all you guys! All 35,000 of you guys have decided my story was worth a read, and I'm honoured. The overwhelming amount of positive feedback I've received on this story is absolutely staggering. Every notification goes straight to my email inbox, which shows up on my phone. So while I may not usually reply to comments, especially of late, I see every one of them. And it still blows my mind. 'Holy hell, somebody actually liked my random idea fanfiction?!' I'm sure at least some of you have felt the same way. And that feeling never goes away for me, not on this story.

I never set out to be a big time writer on Wattpad. I did try to on Fanfiction.net, albeit with a different fandom. And yet so many people come along and read and it makes me feel ten feet tall. But all I did was throw some words into a Google document and see if they'd stick. And they did, thanks to you guys. If I have learnt ANYTHING writing fanfiction over my five-year stint, it's the readers, the fanbase within the fanbase, that can really make a story special and lift it up to astronomical proportions. I don't mean to sound like I'm talking up Two Sides Of The Same Coin. But comparing what it is now to what I thought it would be when I first imagined a girl walking through the forest, caught in the rain... it's mind-blowing.

With that said, I am (very) excited to announce Something's Gotta Give, the official sequel! It will star characters both familiar and new, with some new elements added in. After all, you don't think Reader-chan just sprouted out of a cabbage patch one day... did you...?

Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now