Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Fourteen

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Why Shouldn’t I?

Warning; contains sexual themes and some violence. Some readers may choose to skip over the part where Reader-chan is in the office. I’ll put some Ws at the beginning of that part, but it goes for the rest of the chapter.

Trust me, I’m still wondering how the hell I wrote it.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Once-ler made his rise to fame and fortune rather quickly. People swarmed from all around the world to buy his Thneeds. As his company grew, so did his carbon footprint. Smog and smoke poured out of his factory, which was considerably less eco-friendly than his original design. Oils and runoff from the machines was dumped into the rivers and streams. And, of course, the deforestation continued.

(Name), the Lorax and a group of animals sat on a rock, shivering in the bleak wasteland that was once the beautiful Truffula Forest. The Lorax offered her a rather gooey-looking berry. “C’mon, kid, you gotta eat.”

She took it and chewed on it numbly, making a face at the sour taste of the polluted fruit. She stared at the factory in the distance, the air around it dark with smog. She bit her lip and got to her feet. “We’ve got to do something.” She stated. It was the first time she’d spoken since the Once-ler had given her things to her and told her she wasn’t welcome back in his home.

“I mean, we can’t just let this happen. We have to do something to stop all of this.” She continued, looking at the others.

“(Name), what is there to do?” The Lorax sighed. “I’ve tried talking to him. He won’t listen. He’s too blinded by his own greed to care about what’s right and what’s hurting people.”

She shook her head. “There has to be something. I’m going to talk to him. He’ll listen to me, I know it.”

“Even after your argument about the trees in the first place?” The Lorax didn’t look at all convinced.

She took a deep breath. “He’ll listen to me.” She repeated, looking rather unsure herself as she took the first few steps towards the factory, and, more importantly, Once-ler’s office.

All too soon, she found herself sliding quietly past his mother at a desk to the side. At this point, even she looked a bit robotic and bored in her money-making actions, clacking on a computer, eyes glued to the screen as (Name) left her behind.

She saw Chet and Brett on each side of the door, and swallowed as she stepped between them and knocked gingerly on the door.


“Come in!” He yelled from inside.

She slipped in the doors, noting with a flickering sense of dread that Chet and Brett didn’t move an inch, staring blankly ahead of them down the hallway. “U-um… It’s me, Once-ler.” She said quietly.

He looked up from the model town he had been fiddling with, lacing his fingers together under his chin. She looked over him, looking at the green coat he wore, the long gloves and sparkling sunglasses. What really caught her attention was the large top hat he was wearing. She wondered dumbly for a moment where his fedora was, then decided it didn’t really matter right then.

“Oh. Been a while.” He stated. “C’mon, sit down, (Name).”

“Yeah. So, um… how are you?” She asked, settling in the large, plushy chair in front of his desk.

He smiled a little. “I’ve been good. So, have you finally realised what you really want yet?” He placed his hands on the desk and leaned towards her a little.

She blinked. “Excuse me?”

He snickered. “Don’t play dumb. You know you want this.” He gestured around his office and then to himself.

She gulped. “You’re right there. On one account, anyways.” She muttered.

“Well, you’re certainly not the kind of girl who’d want to continue cutting down trees,” He laughed rather bitterly, “so, I’ll assume that you want me.”

She nodded. “Yes, I do, I miss you so much, and I-”

He put a hand over her mouth. “Hey, shh.” He grinned smugly, taking off his sunglasses, and she went pale as she saw his green eyes.

‘No, it’s still Oncie. That’s still my Oncie in there. I can reach him, I know it,’ she thought to herself, feeling terrified as he got up from behind the desk, taking hold of both of her arms.

He pulled her roughly up to his chest and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

(Name) squirmed. “Hey, what are you-” She cut off with a yelp as he grabbed her butt.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He sounded both amused and vaguely annoyed.

“Let go of me! I’ll scream!” She threatened.

He laughed. “Go ahead. Who do you expect to come save you, the Peanut?” He hiked up the edge of her skirt, running his fingers up her leg.

She swallowed. “Please. Please don’t do this.” She whispered.

He just smiled and pulled her closer. “And why shouldn’t I?” He whispered into her ear before nibbling lightly on it.

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