Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Four

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Come On And Buy A Thneed!

It wasn't until a week or so later that (Name) saw Once-Ler again. She was walking through the town square, her arm still in the sling, when she saw him standing in the middle of the town square, calling out to people.

"C'mon, everybody!" He said, sounding rather chipper. "The Thneed does all sorts of things! It can be a hat, a scarf, or even a pair of gloves to warm your hands on a cold day!" He flicked the Thneed around into the different shapes as he spoke.

A little girl ran up to him and tugged on his leg. "Hey, Mister?" She said.

He bobbed down. "Hiya. What is it, kiddo?" He smiled.

The girl stared at him for a moment. "Your shoelace is undone." She stated.

He glanced down. "Oh, thanks. I wouldn't want to trip over now, huh?" He started to tie it up.

As he had his head bent over his shoe, the girl reached up and snagged hold of his fedora, disappearing into the crowded market with a mischievous giggle.

"Hey, come back! That was... my... father's..." He deflated as she vanished.

(Name) carefully walked up behind him. "You ok?" She asked quietly.

He jumped half a foot in the air, giving a small yelp as he spun around. "(Name)!" He grinned, brightening. He threw his arms around her. "I'm so glad you're ok!" he babbled, "I got so worried when I couldn't find you, especially with all the rain, and I'm so so SO sorry that I did that, I don't know what came over me, and I'll understand if you don't forgive me but I just wanted to say that I'm really, really, REALLY so-"

She put a hand over his mouth. "Hey! Slow down, Once-Ler!" She said bemusedly. "Calm down. We'll talk about it later, ok?"

He nodded, eyes wide as she took her hand away. "Yep, right, sorry." He blushed faintly.

"Now, we should go find that girl and get your hat back. I think she went that way." (Name) pointed into the market. "Come on, I think I know where she went."

Once-Ler scooped up his Thneed and guitar, following her into the bustling walkways. "Wow, it's crowded in here," he squirmed between two carts piled high with fruit.

She grabbed his hand and tugged him along. "Come on, Oncie, keep up! You don't wanna get lost in here, do you?" She raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head and walked faster. "So, where do you think she took it?" He asked.

(Name) stopped abruptly. "In there." She pointed to an small shop in front of them.

Once-Ler peered in the window to see all sorts of items on the shelves. "Wow. I've seen a lot of bargain stores, but this takes the cake." He said, watching a parrot squawk on a shelf.

"C'mon, you can say hi to the parrot while we're in there." She rolled her eyes and dragged him in the door and up to the counter. "Excuse me?" She asked sweetly, ringing the bell sharply with her palm.

A rather gruff-looking older man appeared from a doorway behind the counter. "Eh? What is it?" He said.

"I don't suppose you have any hats lying around? Like, a fedora? Preferably a grey one?" She asked politely.

He scratched his stomach as he thought. "Yea, I got one brought in a few minutes ago."

"Could I see it, please?" (Name) asked.

The man disappeared for a moment before coming back, clutching the Once-Ler's hat, which looked rather battered. "I'll sell it for.... Eighty bucks. Eighty bucks for this fine quality fedora."

Once-Ler gaped. "Eighty dollars?!" He yelped. "For my own hat?!"

(Name) elbowed him in the ribs. "Hush!" She said firmly before turning back to the man. "Hey, buddy, we don't have that kinda money." She said, dropping her polite tones for something more back-street. "How's about I give you twenty for it?"

He shook his head. "Gimmie at least sixty, kid. I gotta make a livin' out this joint, ya know."

"Thirty?" Once-Ler suggested.

The man glanced at over, eyeing him for a moment. "Tell ya what, I'll cut ya a deal. Ten bucks and that fancy-lookin' pink thing ya got there." He pointed at the Thneed.

(Name) looked at the Once-Ler. "It's your call, Oncie." She said seriously.

He took off his Thneed, glancing between it and his hat before handing it over to the man. He started to dig for his wallet, but (Name) stopped him and handed over her own ten-dollar bill.

The man passed the hat to Once-Ler. "Well, get outta here. I got stuff to do." He shooed them out the door.

(Name) turned to Once-Ler. "Come on. I bet Granny can fix your hat up." She said cheerfully.

"It does look a little sick, doesn't it?" He poked the brim and winced as it half-detached.

She rolled her eyes. "Follow me. Now it's time for you to see my house."

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