Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Sixteen

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Meeting Theodore

(Name) and the Lorax made their way to the farm, passing a few clusters of Truffula trees on their travels. Eventually, they found themselves at the front door of a rather small and creaky-looking farmhouse.

The Lorax reached forward and gently knocked on the door.

It was opened by a tallish, fairly slim man with light brown hair and a little brown goatee. “G’day. Can I help you?” He asked.

They stared at him for a few moments. “Are you Theodore?” The Lorax asked.

He nodded. “Yep, that’s my name. So, what can I do for ya?” He smiled.

(Name) swallowed at the likeness to Once-ler. “Can we come in, please, sir? I’d really like to speak with you- it’s ridiculously important.”

He laughed. “Well, sure, c’mon in!” He stepped away from the door, revealing a living room with a TV and a slightly tatty sofa. “Would you like a drink? I’ve got some homemade lemonade in the fridge, I think. Or if you’re after something hot, I can make ya’ll some hot chocolate.” He said cheerfully.

(Name) smiled. “I’d like a hot chocolate, thank you.” She responded.

“I’m good for now, thanks.” The Lorax commented.

Theodore clattered around the kitchen as he spoke. “So, what brings you two down to my farm? Oh, and what were your names, by the way?”

“I’m (Name) and this is the Lorax.” (Name) told him. “And I wanted to ask you a few questions.”

“I’m all ears.” He replied.

“Well, do you happen to have three sons? Two twins and a boy who looks a lot, and I mean a lot like you?” She asked, wincing slightly in anticipation.

He paused and gave her an odd look as he passed her the steaming mug of hot chocolate. “Yes. Yes I do.” He said, with a rather sad look in his eyes.

“Chet, Brett and Once-ler?” She continued.

He nodded. “That’s them. They live with my ex-wife, her brother Ubb and his wife Grizelda past the other side of town.”

She reached for the TV remote, flicking through channels before she landed on an ad for a Thneed, where clips of it being used for many different purposes were shown before the logo with that creepy smiling picture of Once-ler was flashed on screen with a price and phone number. “You know what the deal is with that, right?”

He slowly nodded. “I know who the man behind it is, yes. And I’m aware he’s cutting down Truffula trees to make them.”

“Please, help us.” She said, grabbing his hand in both of hers. “He has to be stopped.”

“I’m not hurting my son.” He pulled his hand back, eyeing her suspiciously.

She shook her head vigorously. “No. No! I mean, I’d never hurt Oncie either! I mean, apparently that doesn’t go both ways, but whatever.” She muttered the last part, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean? Wait… did he…?” Theodore gestured to her face.

She nodded. “Yeah. But he didn’t mean it. I mean, it wasn’t him. Well, it was, but it also wasn’t. It’s confusing.” She drooped.

He sighed. “I can’t help you directly. I just… I wouldn’t be able to face him. Not after everything that happened after he was born.” He stared out the window towards the factory in the distance.

(Name) exchanged a look with the Lorax before turning back to him. “He’s not himself. He’s… he’s not the guy that I…” She trailed off, her mind flashing back to that day when they’d been harvesting tufts for Clive.

“That you what?” Theodore looked confused.

“I care about him a whole lot, okay? He’s my best friend in the entire world.” She dipped her head so that neither Theodore nor the Lorax would see the faint blush on her cheeks.

There was a silence for a few moments. “Okay. I do have one idea, but you’re gonna need to learn to play a guitar.” Theodore said mysteriously, his eyes sparkling.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now