Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Three

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Some TLC, Chicken Soup And A New Plan

Once-Ler ran through the forest, wiping rain out of his eyes every so often. "(Naaaaame)! (Naaame)! Where are you?!" He called, pulling his jacket tighter around him and shivering. "(Name)!"

Meanwhile, not far enough away she couldn't hear him, (Name) was curled up in a small cave, trying to figure out exactly what was wrong with her arm. It was starting to swell a little, and she decided the best course of action would be to make her way home, somehow, and ask her grandmother to help fix up her arm.

She got to her feet and started to walk away from the Once-Ler and his cottent and the Lorax as quickly as she dared, hoping she was headed in the right direction for the town.


The next day, Once-Ler was tucked up in bed with a runny nose and puffy cheeks. "Urgh..." He groaned. "Can you bass be sobe tissues?" He snuffled to the Lorax, who obliged.

"Y'know, when I said go look for her, I didn't mean go out in the rain with no umbrella or anything for six hours and catch the killer flu." He commented, settling on the edge of the bed.

"I dow." Once-Ler nodded. "Bud I just couldn't leabe her out dere widout looking bor her." He blew his nose and dropped it into the overflowing trashcan by his bed.

The Lorax nodded. "Hey, when you're feeling better- y'know assuming you don't die," he joked, nudging the young man's long legs, "what do you think of going down to the town to have a look for her? Who knows, you might even sell a Thneed or two!"

Once-Ler nodded and sneezed, bouncing his head off of the headboard of his bed and groaning again. "Ok. Assubing I dond die, dat sounds good."

The Lorax grinned as Pipsqueak walked over to the bed with a steaming bowl of soup. "Hey, Beanpole, look!" He handed the bowl to him, making sure it didn't spill onto the sick man's legs. "C'mon, eat up, you'll feel better for it." He encouraged as Once-Ler began to sip at the soup.

At the same time, a good few miles away, (Name) was sitting on the couch being fussed over by her grandmother. "I was so worried, honey! I'm just glad you're ok, though." Granny said, re-tying her sling for the third time. "How did this happen, again?"

(Name) sighed. "I got lost, and I fell and banged my arm on something. Then I managed to find my way home." She, technically, had not lied to Granny. Technically.

Granny sighed. "Right. Are you sure you're ok? Nobody attacked you or anything? We could tell the police if they did..."

"No!" She shouted, then paused and regained her composure. "I mean, no, Granny. Nobody attacked me. I just fell. There's no need to make more out of this than there really is." She said quietly.

Granny pursed her lips. "If you say so, honey, I believe you." She said, plumping a cushion behind (Name).

She sighed. "I'm sorry, Granny, I'm just a little... stressed out." She said softly.

Granny smiled and hugged her gently. "Oh, it's ok, honey. C'mon, what you need is some TLC for a while."

(Name) nodded and smiled a little. "That'd be nice, Granny."

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