Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Eighteen

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This Time, I’m Not Going Alone

Several days later, (Name), Theodore and the Lorax were sitting in a café in town, sipping drinks as they speculated over their current situation. “The Truffulas are almost all gone,” Theodore said sadly. “The only ones left are the few around my farm, and I can only keep them from being cut down for so long.”

(Name) stared into her drink. “I wanna try and talk to him again.” She said slowly. “But this time, I’m not gonna go alone. Will you guys come with me?” She looked at her companions.

The Lorax just nodded, but Theodore looked distinctly uncomfortable. “I… I don’t know.” He bit his lip.

“Please, Theodore? I need your help. You don’t even have to talk to him, just be there, in case anything happens.” She said coaxingly.

He sighed and nodded. “Okay.”

She smiled. “So, when are we gonna do this?” She asked.

“I’m ready whenever you two are.” The Lorax told them.

“Could we do it now, before I lose my nerve?” Theodore replied nervously.

(Name) gave him a thumbs-up. “Sounds good.”


Again, (Name) made her way down the long hallway, with Theodore and the Lorax by her sides. She noticed with a faint chill that Chet, Brett and their mother were nowhere to be seen. She looked at the others as they reached the tall, fancy door into the office. “Maybe… could you two stay out here? I’ll yell if I need you.” She suggested.

Theodore nodded. “Yeah. You go talk to him.”

She took a deep breath and laid her hand against the door, which creaked open. She glanced back at the others and stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

(Name) blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the dim light in the office. She heard a soft noise and realised that it was someone crying.

“O-once-ler?” She asked in a soft whisper, feeling her way forward towards the desk.

There was a sniffle, and the Once-ler rose up from behind the desk. “(N-name)?” He said quietly before sobbing again.

She got down on her hands and knees and crawled behind the desk with him. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She asked.

He looked at her, tears streaming down his face. “I’m sorry.” He choked. “I am so sorry, for everything.”

She sighed and looked down at her knees. “I can’t really say it’s ok, you know.” She said. “What you did was way past ok.”

“I know.” He admitted. “And the trees were bad enough, but what I did to you was just… monstrous. I’ll understand if you don’t forgive me, but I wanted to tell you how much I regret it- all of it.”

“I know.” She replied. “I think, though, that all of us would like to see you- the real you- back. Back with all of us, cooking pancakes, and worming marshmallows into a part of our regular diet.” She swallowed. “Please come back home, Once-ler.”

He started to speak, but his eyes flickered violently and he grabbed his head with a hiss of pain. “Aaaah…” He looked up at her again, and his eyes were a vibrant green. He started to reach for (Name), but then he shuddered and lurched back, his eyes glowing blue.

She grabbed his hand. “C’mon, Oncie! You can do it! This isn’t you- you know this isn’t you! Fight it!” She encouraged as his eyes started to slow in their swapping of shades.

He dipped his head as he breathed labouredly  with the struggle to keep the Greed-ler from gaining control. “Ugh…” He groaned, hunched over on his hands and knees.

(Name) gently touched his shoulder, and he looked up with a grin. She scrambled back as he opened his eyes, which flashed green. “The-” she started to yell, but he dived over to the door and shoved against the bookcase, pushing it in front of the door just enough to keep it closed.

“(Name)?!” Theodore called. “The door’s blocked!”

“I know!” She replied, backing away from the advancing Greed-ler.

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