Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Twelve

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Nobody’s Gonna Miss A Few Trees, Right?

About a week later, Once-ler was sitting in the cottent by the window, sketching on a canvas before sitting back and looing rather satisfied at the design. ‘Thneed Factory’ was written across the top, and a rather intricate assembly of machinery took up the rest of the page.

He grinned and took a sip of tea from the cup on the desk nearby. “I am so proud of me!” He declared.

His mother popped up in the window. “Uh, Oncie? We got a little bit of a problem, honey. See, we aren’t making Thneeds fast enough.” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder at Brett and Chet, who were plucking tufts from the top of the tree with a kind of grasper, one at a time, before placing them in the cart which was being driven by Ubb. All in all, it was a very slow process.

He tapped his chin. “Uh… hm.” He started to call (Name), but his mother gave a rather exaggerated gasp.

“Ooo, ooo, I know!” She clapped her hands together. “Don’t you think we could just, y’know, cut ‘em down?”

He froze. “Mom, I can’t.” He said hesitantly.

“Why not, Oncie?” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“I made a promise.” He hunched his shoulders.

“Baby, don’t you wanna make your Mama happy?” She cooed.

He took a deep breath. He did want to make her happy, but there was something else bubbling up inside. A sort of… hunger. He involuntarily glanced at his small money box, where some money from Clive already sat.

He huffed and stared out the window. There were so many of the trees… surely they could spare just a couple? They were his friends, they’d understand, right? It was all for the sake of his own business, and (Name) supported that. If she did, the Lorax and the others would be a little more understanding, anyways. Even so, he wasn’t very sure…

<You know you want to…>

He blinked. ‘What?’

<Go on… get as much money as you want… it’s just a few trees, right?>

He paused for a moment before turning to his mother. “Well… nobody’s gonna miss a few trees, right?”

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