Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Nineteen

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Yes, yes, I hear the Nightmare Before Christmas fans saying 'oh, no, that's the Oogie Boogie Song!', but the simple fact is that I based this more off of the Wheatley Song than the Oogie Boogie Song, despite OBS being the original :P

Hugging Is Good

The Greed-ler smirked as he advanced towards (Name) and started singing. “Well, well, well. Welcome to my lair!

(Name), Peanut and some guy, huh?

Ooo, I’m really scared!” He mocked.

So you’re the ones that wanna take me down

Ah ha ha… good luck.

You’re joking, you are joking?

I can’t believe my eyes

You’re kidding me, you’ve gotta be

Why won’t you just die?!

You’re dumb, he’s fluffy,

I don’t know which is worse

I might just have a heart attack

If I don’t die laughing first!” He pounced at her, but she dodged behind his desk, and they continued circling each other.

(Name) took a deep breath and started to sing as well. “Do you remember the Once-ler?

Who saw the world as his to take

And said ‘I really only fracture

The rules that we made to break

Never really see-” She was cut off as he took a swipe at her. She leaned back and landed on her butt, scrambling away from him.

When little ol’ Oncie says

There’s trouble, don’t go further

You’d better pay attention

‘Cause I’m the Greed-ler!

And if you aren’t shaking

Then there’s something very wrong

Because this may be the last time

That you hear the Greed-ler song!

Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now