Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Ten

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Famous Last Words

(Name) peered down the trunk of the Truffula Tree she was perched at the top of. “Hey! Oncie!” She yelled. “Catch!” She dropped an armful of tufts down to where he waited with the cart below.

“Thaaank you~!” He replied, tucking them into the rest of the load. “So, how much more do you think we can grab from that tree?”

She looked around her. “Eh… another few armfuls?” She guessed.

The Lorax sat nearby, swinging his feet back and forth off the edge of a ledge. “So, how many orders do you guys have at the moment?” He asked.

“Clive asked if we could get twelve done this week.” Once-ler replied.

(Name) poked her head out of the tufts at the top of the tree. “Wait, what? But that means- WOAH!” She windmilled her arms as she lost her balance and tipped out of the tree.

Once-ler shoved the cart underneath her, and she vanished in a puff of Truffula tufts for a moment before sitting up, covered in the pink and orange fluff. “That means what?” He asked casually, as if she hadn’t just fallen a good twenty feet out of a tree.

She blew tufts away from her face. “That means we’ll be knitting, like, most of the night!” She complained. “We never get to sleep in late like we used to, either! I can’t work under these conditions!” She swooned dramatically back into the pile of tufts.

Once-ler rolled his eyes, trying not to laugh as he climbed up onto the wheel. “Come on, get out of-” He was cut off by her hand reaching up and tugging him down into the pile.

He rolled through the tufts for a few moments before he found himself nose-to-nose with her. More to the point, they found themselves lip-to-lip with each other.

(Name) shot out of the cart as if from a cannon, and Once-ler dived out the other side like a man possessed. They glanced at each other, blushed and quickly got back to work, not looking at each other until they reached the cottent again.

“After you.” She invited, opening the door for him.

“Thanks, (Name). But ladies first.” He teased, gesturing through the door.

“Every man for themselves!” She declared, dragging him through the door.

Once-ler laughed. “Right. So, we should get to-” He was interrupted by the phone ringing. “Hello? Speaking… wait, how many?! Uh-huh… yeah… uh…. I think so? Okay… right… goodbye.” He hung up the phone, looking slightly dazed.

“What is it, Oncie?” (Name) asked curiously.

“I just got a call from a guy who told me that he’s part of a large advertising company, and he thinks that the Thneed could rightfully become a company all of its own!” He said excitedly. “The thing is, though, we need to make samples of our product, but I’m sure we’ll find some way to meet that.”

“Why, how many does the guy want?” (Name) cocked her head before pulling a water bottle from the fridge.

“50 Thneeds by Saturday.”

She gagged, spraying water over him as she coughed. “S-sorry about that. But you’re kidding, right?” She coughed again.

“Nope. 50 Thneeds made and ready to go by Saturday.” He repeated calmly.

“How, exactly, do you expect to do that?!” She screeched. “We’re lucky to make two a day!”

“Hey, hey, calm down!” He guided her down into a chair. “Look, I can call my family and they can come help us out! I’m sure everything’s gonna turn out just fine!” He said reassuringly.

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