Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Eleven

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The Arrival Of The Family

A few days later, ridiculously early in the morning, (Name) was sitting on the ground by the cottent, setting up a little picnic. She carefully placed down the cake in the middle and arranged the food around it in several different designs before sitting back with a happy sigh.

She made her way back inside and gently shook Once-ler awake. “Hey… wake up…” She cooed. “I’ve got a surprise for you…”

He blinked his eyes open. “Huh… wha? (Name)? The sun isn’t even up yet…” He yawned, looking around before he stopped dead in his tracks. “Question?”

“Oh?” She smiled sweetly.

“What are they doing here?” He gestured to the animals littered around the bedroom. “Follow up question, if I may, why do I smell smoke?”

She blushed. “Ok, ok, so I may have dozed off a little while I was cooking. And the Bar-Ba-Loots were keeping me company. Now, hush up and follow me.” She tugged gently on his arm.

“Fine, I’m coming!” He laughed, popping out of bed like a jack-in-the-box.

She led him out the door, opening it just as the sun started to crest on the horizon. “A toast to our current business progress!” She declared, raising a glass of (favourite drink).

He grinned. “You did all this? That’s great of you, (Name)! I don’t think I could be luckier than this, to have a housemate and business partner like you. To have a friend like you.” He added.

(Name) smiled. “Oh, it wasn’t too much. Like I said, the Bar-Ba-Loots kept me company. And, anyways-”

She was interrupted by a rather loud horn shattering the peaceful silence. They both spun around to see a rather bulky RV come crashing through the trees and skid to a halt near the cottent. The door opened and a similarly bulky woman stepped out, looking around critically. “What a dump.” She snorted, eyeing the cottent.

“Aunt Grizelda!” Once-ler said cheerfully.

A few seconds later, a fairly short man, a tall woman with blonde hair, and two identical men who, quite frankly, looked rather hillbilly-ish, came out from the RV as well.

“Oncie! There’s my boy!” The woman trilled, rushing over and grabbing him, kissing both his cheeks. “My big successful son!”

“Hi, Mom.” He chuckled, sounding slightly nervous.

“Hey, Brett, go long!” One of the twins picked up Pipsqueak.

“I got it, I got it!” The other one ran a distance, looking back towards his brother.

“Wait, uh, could you guys n… okay then…” Once-ler sagged as Pipsqueak flew through the air.

Brett ran, still looking back at his twin, and ran into a tree before landing on his back. Pipsqueak, meanwhile, landed in the top of the tree and fell out onto Brett’s face.

“Did you see that? He totally ran into that tree!” The second twin cackled, punching Once-ler in the shoulder.

“Uh, yeah, I guess he did, Chet…” Once-ler replied uncomfortably, wincing as he moved his arm.

(Name) stood next to him, mouth hanging open. “Please tell me that these are just random people who have mistaken you for their own son, and you aren’t related to these two mongrels or Princess Plastic over there.” She jerked a thumb at his mother, who was busy arranging her hair using her reflection in the stream nearby.

He looked at her and frowned. “Hey, that’s my family you’re talking about.” He said sternly.

She looked at him. “But they’re so…”

“So… what?” He looked at her, shoulders tensed slightly and eyes narrowed.

“Nothing.” She squeaked, flinching back.

He sighed and facepalmed. “Don’t do that. Please.”

She stared at him. “Don’t do what?”

“Please don’t be scared of me.” He begged, grabbing one of her hands. “You know I’d never hurt you, not while I had some degree of control over it.”

She slowly nodded. “Right. Sorry, Oncie.”

“No, I’m sorry for frightening you.” He said. “So, that’s my Mom,” He pointed towards the blonde woman. “My brothers, Brett and Chet.” He continued, pointing at the twins. “My Aunt Grizelda, and my Uncle Ubb.” He gestured towards the large woman and short man.

“I love this guy!” Ubb yelled, pointing to Once-ler.

(Name) bit her lip. “Okay…” She nodded.

Once-ler’s mother walked over to them. “Oh, you’re (Name), aren’t you?” She said sweetly.

(Name) nodded. “Yeah.”

“C’mon, honey, I wanna get to know all about you! But let’s leave Oncie to his work, hmm?” She chattered as she dragged (Name) around the other side of the cottent. She whipped around, her smiling face cold as she stared clinically at (Name).

“Tie-dyed shirt, worn jeans, work boots and gardening gloves? Honey, what are you doing?” She sighed. “Look, you get in the way of my son’s success, I will make your life misery.” She grabbed (Name)’s collar and stared her in the eyes. “Got it?”

(Name) swallowed. “G-got it.” She said.

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