Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Seven

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Sweet Dreams

(Name) was still standing over the pie when Once-ler returned a while later, looking rather forlorn.  He poked his head in the door and tried a half-smile. “Uh… hi?” He said.

She glanced up from the cinnamon she was sprinkling on the crust. “Hi,” She replied quietly.

He grimaced and slowly walked up to her. “Are… are you ok?” He asked.

She paused and nodded. “Yeah.”

He took a deep breath. “I’m really sorry, I just… sometimes I just get so mean, and I don’t mean to, and I’m sorry, (Name).”

She sighed and stepped back from the pie, looking up as she tried to figure out how to put it delicately. “I… I don’t think that was you,” She said bluntly.

“W-what?” He looked bewildered.

“I don’t know how to explain it, but your eyes… well, what colour are your eyes, Once?”

“I’m pretty sure they’re blue.” He laughed nervously.

“Well, they weren’t. They were green.” She said. “I have no idea what that means, but I don’t think that was actually you.”

He pondered that for a few moments. “Well… that’s interesting, I suppose.” He said finally.

(Name) shrugged.  “C’mon, I have pie. Let’s eat it before it gets all cold and mushy, alright?” She raised an eyebrow.

He nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, sounds good to me!” He grinned.


That night, (Name) was fast asleep in the Once-ler’s bed, him insisting that he’d sleep on the couch until they could furnish her room properly. Meanwhile, outside the window, the Lorax and a battalion of Bar-Ba-Loots peered in.

The Lorax gestured to the window, then himself before holding up two rather hand-shaped branches. He clambered up onto the windowsill and started waving them around against the moon, casting a rather eerie shadow on the wall next to (Name) as the Bar-Ba-Loots made howling noises and shook the cottent.

(Name) shot up in bed, clutching the blankets and watching the large shadow in the dark room with wide eyes. As it swooped towards her, she gave a little scream and ran out of the bedroom, diving onto the couch and landing on Once-ler’s stomach. “Help!” She yelped.

He gagged as she squashed him. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He choked, sitting up and trying to calm her down.

She pointed back to the bedroom. “There’s something out there!” She wailed.

He got up and rolled up his pyjama sleeves, picking up his axe. “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with it.” He said, eyes narrowed as he strode out the door.

As he peered around the corner of the cottent, he was met with the sight of the Lorax dancing around on the windowsill with two branches, making some extremely strange noises. He heaved a sigh and dropped the axe on the ground before picking up his hose and clearing his throat loudly in annoyance.

The Lorax looked around and spotted him. “Wait, Beanpole, wai-” He held up his hands.

Once-ler sprayed him with the hose, knocking him off of the windowsill “Listen, you peanut, we’re trying to sleep,” He said, bobbing down to him. “So can you save the shenanigans for the morning?”

The Lorax gave a grunt and shrugged before stalking away, his fur poofing out as it dried.

Once-ler sighed and walked inside, retrieving his axe as he went. “Hey, (Name), you ok?” He sat next to her on the bed.

“Is it gone?” She asked, clutching his arm.

He chuckled. “Yeah. Turns out a certain peanut was stirring up trouble.”

(Name) rolled her eyes. “That Lorax can be a proper pain, huh?”

He nodded and laughed again. “Yeah, he can, can’t he? Well, c’mon, let’s get you back to bed and both of us back to sleep.” He picked up his blanket.

She paused. “Um…” She tapped her fingers together. “I know it was just the Lorax, but… couldImaybepossiblystaywithyou?” She asked quickly.

“There’s… not really room for both of us on the couch…” He said hesitantly.

“We could both sleep in your bed.” (Name) suggested.

He bit his lip. “Ok, ok. C’mon, then.” He stood up and stretched before leading her into his bedroom.

She flopped onto the bed and patted the space next to her. “C’mon, don’t be a wuss. I’m not gonna tackle you or bite you or anything.” She rolled her eyes.

Once-ler grinned and slid under the covers. “G’night, (Name).”

“Sweet dreams, Oncie.” She reached up and turned off the light.

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