Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Eileen Molloy

A Business Proposal

A/N; I just want to apologise if it seems the plot is moving rather slowly, but I promise I’ll endeavour to pick it up a little and make it more interesting :3  -milomeepit

Once-ler bobbed and weaved in front of the stove. “Doo doo doo… pancake da-da pancake.” He hummed as he flipped the pancakes over his shoulder to the table, where Pipsqueak eagerly caught them. He turned around with a grin as he scooped the wobbling pile of pancakes up. “Okay, who’s up for ninths?”

(Name) and the Lorax looked at each other. “Alright, bring ‘em over.” The Lorax said as he levered himself up to a sitting position.

Once-ler smirked and brought them over with a spring in his step. “Ok, here you go, you gluttons.”

“You’re the one who keeps making food!” (Name) complained. “You’re making me fat!”

“You’re not fat.” He said dismissively. “You’re perfect how you are.”

She blinked and blushed for a moment. “So says the walking yardstick.” She shot back.

He laughed. “Hey, I’m not a yardstick!”

“True, true!” The Lorax cried. “He’s a beanpole!”

(Name) threw a pancake at him. “Shut up and eat!” She giggled.

The Lorax started to say something, but there was a knock on the door. (Name) got up and walked over to open it. “Hello?” She asked as she pulled it open.

To her surprise, it was the man from the bargain store. “Uh, g’day, miss. I was wondering if that tall, skinny feller you was hangin’ around with is home.”

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, yeah. Come on in. Hey, Oncie, we got a visitor!” She called, leading him up to the table.

“Pancake?” Once-ler offered the plate as they all sat, sweeping a pile of Bar-Ba-Loots off onto the rug.

“No, thanks. Well, I was wonderin’; you know that pink thing ya’ll traded a few weeks back?” The man asked.

“The Thneed? What about it?” (Name) replied through a mouthful of pancake.

“Ya see, I sold it for a pretty penny back there, and I was thinkin’ that if ya could give me more of ‘em, I could give ya a cut of the profits. Sound good?” He held out a hand to Once-ler, who looked at (Name).

She stared back at him. “Previously stated, it’s your call.” She told him.

He bit his lip for a moment, and then shook the man’s hand. “By the way, I’m the Once-ler. And yourself?”

“My name’s Clive. And your, ah, business associate there?” He winked at (Name), who blushed faintly.

“Oh, um, that’s (Name).” He introduced her.

“A pleasure to make both your acquaintanceships!” Clive proclaimed, grinning. “Well, now that we’re done with business, I believe somebody mentioned pancakes?”

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