Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Twenty

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I Wanna Cuddle

(Name) opened her eyes and yawned, stretching in the morning sunlight streaming in through the window of the cottent, which had been re-erected near Theodore’s farmhouse. She smiled and gazed around the room, looking last of all Once-ler, who was still dozing next to her, one arm half-draped around her waist.

She chuckled softly and made to slide out of bed, but his arm tightened slightly around her middle. “(Naaaaame)…” He whined sleepily. “I wanna cuddle, don’t go yet!”

She tousled his hair. “Get up and face the day, Oncie. It’s probably about ten o’clock, we need to get up.” She chided jokingly.

He pulled her back. “No.” He said stubbornly, turning her over to face him.

For a brief moment, his eyes seemed to flash green, and (Name) flinched back before realising it was just a trick of the light.

He tipped her chin up. “Hey. It’s me. I promise, I will never hurt you, ever again, (Name). I swear on my life.” He said seriously, kissing her on the cheek.

She snuggled into his arms. “I know. Love ya, Oncie.”

“Love you, too, (Name).”

There was a silence for a few moments.

“Does this mean we get to cud-” Once-ler wondered out loud.

“I’ll go make breakfast.” (Name) laughed, sitting up.

“Pancakes?” He asked hopefully.

“Pancakes.” She grinned.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now