Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Fifteen

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Clive’s Secret

The Lorax, Pipsqueak and Big Loot were sitting not too far away from the factory, in one of the few patches of Truffula Trees left, playing cards. The Lorax slapped down a card onto a rock. “Ha!” He grinned.

A baby Swoomie Swan waddled over, peered at it and bit it, running off with the card in its mouth.

He sagged. “Aw.”

(Name) came stumbling through the trees, a blank look on her face as she leaned against a tree and slid to the ground, hugging her knees to her chest. Her clothes were torn slightly and she had a large bruise forming on the side of her face.

The Lorax jumped up and ran over to her. “(Name)?! What… what happened?” He asked concernedly.

She just shook her head. “That’s not the Once-ler. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not the Once-ler.” She replied quietly.

He clenched his hands for a moment before letting out a big sigh. “I know.”

“I don’t care what we have to do, but we have to stop him. We can’t let him do this to other people. I mean, even his family looked… they looked dead, quite frankly. I mean, they were alive, but… you know what I mean?” She looked at him helplessly.

He nodded. “Yeah, I understand.”

She paused. “I wonder whatever happened to his dad…” She said suddenly. As the words left her lips, the gears began turning in her brain again.

(Name) slowly got to her feet. “Hey… Lorax?” She asked.

He looked up at her. “Yeah?”

“I think I’m getting an idea.” She said, a sly smile starting to creep across her face. “Follow me.” She grabbed his hand and ran off towards the town.

He stumbled as he was tugged along. “Whoa, (Name)! Slow down!” He yelped.

She just stared straight ahead as she dragged him along. “I’ve got an idea.” She repeated, softer.


(Name) arrived at the bargain store, the Lorax in tow. She bashed on the door. “Clive! Clive!” She yelled.

The door creaked open to reveal a rather bleary-eyed Clive. “Huh? (Name)? Didn’t think I was gonna see you round here no more. Thought you was up with the Once-ler in his big factory.” He said surprisedly.

She bit her lip and shook her head. “I…I wanted to ask you something. Um… do you know anything about the Once-ler’s family? I mean, apparently they lived not too far from here when Once-ler was younger, and I was wondering if you knew anything about his father.”

Clive regarded her for a moment, eyebrows rising slightly as he saw her tattered state. “Come in, and I’ll explain to ya what I know.”

She followed him into the store. They went around the desk and through into the backroom, where a rather cosy sitting room with a few armchairs and a crackling fireplace. (Name) sat gingerly in one of the chairs, sinking into the plushy cushions. The Lorax stood next to her, one hand on the armrest of her chair.

“Now, what’s goin’ on, (Name)?” He asked, settling in a chair across from her.

She took a deep breath. “Well… a while ago, we had a fight over cutting down the trees rather than just harvesting the tufts, and then he threw me out, and-”

“He threw you out?!” Clive sat up straight, and then sighed. “Go on…”

“And then he built his factory, and he wouldn’t listen to the Lorax about the trees, and when I tried to talk to him…” She trailed off and shook her head. “But the point is,” she continued, “that I’m trying to see if I can find his dad, see if his dad’s still alive. One parent corrupted him to this, maybe the other can get him back.”

He sat back, a thoughtful expression on his face. He started to speak and paused several times before scratching his chin. “Well… where do I start?” He muttered.

The Lorax looked at him. “What’s the basics?” He asked.

Clive looked at them for a full minute, then sighed and straightened his shoulders. “The Once-ler’s dad’s name is Theodore.” He said. “’E lives outside of town, on the farm not too far from where ‘is family used to live. He an’ his wife separated when Once-ler was still a pretty young kid. He prob’ly wouldn’t even recognise his dad or his side o’ the family.” He gave a sharp, dry laugh.

(Name) and the Lorax exchanged a look. “Thank you, Clive. You have no idea how much this means to us.” She said gratefully, clasping his hand.

He smiled a little and nodded. “(Name), I want ya promise me something. Promise me ya will take good care of me nephew.”

She blinked, then smiled. “I promise.” She stated before turning to the Lorax. “C’mon, Peanut. Let’s go find Beanpole Senior.”

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