Two Sides Of The Same Coin- Once-Ler X Reader Chapter Five

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Meeting Granny

(Name) and Once-Ler made their way to her house, chatting as they walked. "So, I was wondering, (Name)... what's your favourite colour?" He asked innocently.

She glanced at him. "(Colour)... why?"

"No reason!" He said quickly, whistling as he looked away from her.

She rolled her eyes. "You're a real character, Once-Ler, you know that?" She commented as she opened the door to see her Granny sitting tat the table across from a serious-looking man in a suit whom was clutching a sheaf of papers.

"Hey, who're you?" She asked incredulously.

Granny sighed. "He's the landlord, honey. Mr Whint, this is my granddaughter, (Name). (Name), Mr Whint."

Whint shook her hand. "Charmed." He said coolly before turning back to her. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but the only way that we could rectify the problem would be to demolish the house."

"What a minute, what?" Once-Ler asked, eyes wide. "Demolish WHAT house?"

Whint glanced at him. "This one." He said casually.

(Name)'s stomach dropped. "B-but you can't do that!" She argued.

"I can in the name of the building site for a new hospital," Whint sneered. "You have until the twenty-fifth of August to find a new place, or we WILL relocate you to a new area."

(Name) stared at him as he gathered up his papers and left, slamming the door rather roughly behind him. She leaned against the table and slid into one of the chairs, feeling rather dazed. "G-granny?" She whispered. "What are we gonna do?"

Granny sighed. "I'm not sure, honey. I know where I could get a home, in the retirement village, but I don't think there's any way you could stay there as well."

(Name) stared blankly at the table. "I... I have no idea what to do. Maybe I should just let him relocate me. It probably won't be too bad, right?" She looked up hopefully and Granny, who just grimaced.

"Um... you could live with me, if you wanted to. I mean, I'd need to add another room onto my tent, but that'd be easily done, if you decide you want to." Once-Ler spoke up, startling both Granny and (Name), whom had forgotten he was there.

"You'd do that for my (Name)?" Granny asked softly.

He paused and nodded. "Y-yeah. I would." He replied before turning to her. "So, what do you say?"

She glanced down at her arm for a moment, biting her lip before looking up at him. "Thank you." She said with a smile, standing up. "So, Oncie, you want a drink?" She started to head for the kitchen, but Granny stopped her.

"I'll make the drinks, (Name). You go start packing, ok?" She said with a smile.

(Name) nodded and ran upstairs. "Thanks, Granny!" She called.

As she vanished, Granny turned to Once-Ler. "So, what's your name, sonny?" She asked pleasantly, flipping a switch to turn the kettle on to boil.

"I'm the Once-Ler, ma'am." He said politely.

She laughed. "Ah, just call me Granny! Everybody around here does!"

He smiled. "Well, Granny, most people call me Once-Ler, Once or Oncie. Feel free to call me any of them." He replied.

"You be good to my granddaughter, y'hear?" She raised an eyebrow. "She can get a little crazy at times, but I promise you she'll always be there to help you, no matter what." She paused. "Do you know which way a tree falls, Once?"

"Uh, down?" He answered, feeling slightly confused.

"A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean." She said mysteriously as she stirred their drinks.

Once-Ler was about to question what she meant, but (Name) bounced down the stairs, a backpack in hand. "I've got some clothes done already. Hey, later, how's about I come give you a hand erecting (A/N: Children, please, this is a PG story XP) the new room in your cottent?"

"Cottent?" He said bemusedly.

"'Cause your house is kinda like a cottage mixed with a tent. Anyways, want a hand with it?" She offered.

He nodded. "That'd be nice, (Name)."

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