Damn You're Hot

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I'd been waiting for my mother to explain why she's leaving me for about an hour now. She's just steadily packing and ignoring me.

"Riele if you whine one more time I will call your sister and tell her to come get you." She says making me shut up.

"Okay fine but why are you leaving me alone for 2 weeks? School is gonna get hard, I'm gonna run out of food after the first week and I don't exactly have a way of getting to school if you're not here." I say trying to figure out where the kind-hearted mother I know was.

"I'm not leaving you alone. I got you a babysitter well my boss got you a babysitter." She says plainly and I sigh.

"Oh the same boss who's taking away the Momma Bear from it's Baby Cub?" I ask her and she laughs.

"Riele, you're 16 not 6. Get over it, you're going to be fine. It's not like the guy is gonna maltreat you or something." She says as if this is no big deal.

"It's a guy that's going to be watching me? Oh sweet baby Jesus I'm gonna die, we won't have food after the first day. Mother hear me out, don't leave me." I plea. I've never been away from my mother for more than a week so I'll be suffering, school is already stressful as is and now I have to go through it without her. This all sucks. The doorbell rings.

"Oh he's here. Okay come on, that should be my boss now. He's here to pick me up and drop off his son. Come meet him, don't you dare act up either." She warns me. 

"I wouldn't dream of it." I say and she closes her suitcase and grabs her phone off of her nightstand.

"What's his son like?" I ask her.

"Well he's 18 and goes to college. He's a photographer but also has a job at that place um what's it called, umm Doyle Family Steak? I don't know something like that." Mom says and I just sigh as we leave her room and head to the front door. She didn't really answer my question, I'm gonna die with this kid.

"Do you mean Charley's Steak House?" I ask knowing that's exactly what she's talking about.

"Yeah that, I don't know why I can't ever remember the name of it. We should go there sometime, I know you used to love it. Maybe he can get you a job there." Mom wonders aloud and I just stay silent. Yeah that place is my favorite restaurant and it does suck we don't go there but it's no use in reiterating what she's already thinking. We get to the door and I open it. Good grief, the most stunning human ever is in front of me. I see smiles from both of our guests and I hear my mom squeal.

"Mr. Norman! I'm so sorry for being a little late, I was talking with my daughter Riele here." Mom says gesturing to me. I curve my lips into a tight smile. 

"Nonsense Elle, you're fine. I was talking to Jace so I didn't even notice." Mr. Norman says and Mom lets out a sigh of relief.

"Alright well, I can give you guys a small tour and we can be on our way. Thank you so much Jace for staying with my daughter." My mom says. The kids smiles and nods his head.

"My pleasure." He says while slyly looking at me. I mean hell I almost wanted to pose and make myself look good for him. My mother and I retreat into our house and the Normans step inside and Jace closes the door behind himself. My mother and Jace's father fall into normal conversation while Jace and I trail behind them as my mother shows off our home. 

"Riele it is so nice to finally meet you. Your mother talks of you all the time and I can see why, you just look like the type of person to be amazed to even stand near." Mr. Norman says and this time I actually smile.

"Thank you, you too Sir." I say and he groans.

"Oh no no, call me Jack please." Mr. Norman says and I just nod my head. He resumes his conversation with my mother with her pointing out what room is what from time to time. Soon we circle back to the front door.

"Alright, Riele can show you upstairs and your room. Thanks so much again but I think we have to go or we'll miss our flight." Mom says and moves to hug me. I squeeze the life out of her and she does the same to me. She kisses my forehead and pulls away.

"Be good, I'll call when I land. Stay safe, love you." She says to me and I nod.

"Love you too Mommy." I say and that's when I notice Jace and Jack pulling away from their hug.

"Bye." Jace and I say as our parents walk out and the door closes. We turn to face each other and smile.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey." He replies.

"Um, you'll be staying in the room right next to mine. We'll be sharing a bathroom though so yeah. I'll make dinner soon, I was thinking spaghetti. I'll give you our Wi-Fi password and all once you're unpacked." I say and he just nods.

"Sounds good. To my room?" He says and I nod then lead him to his room. We race up the stairs and I turn to the right.

"Bathroom is to the left when you come upstairs, it's the first door. The second door is a half-office, half-library." I say and hear no response from Jace. I make it to his room and I open the door.

"Here's your room." I say and he walks in as I hold the door open. He places his duffel bag on the bed and looks around. I take this time to really take him in. Black nike sweater, black sweatpants and white vans. His white cap makes him seem hot as hell. He tosses his hat on the bed and I realize that he is hot as hell. His face, amazing - there are no words to describe that masterpiece.

"Seems cool, thanks. You gonna hook me up with the Wi-Fi?" He asks while pulling out his laptop and I groan internally. He places it on the bed and turns the laptop to me. I log him into our Wi-Fi and as I turn his laptop back to him he hands me his phone. I quickly log him into our Wi-Fi and hand him back his phone.

"Thanks Ri." He says and then clenches his jaw.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to call you that. I just naturally nickname people." He apologizes nervously. I smile at him.

"You're fine. I'll just have to find a nickname for you." I say lightly and he smiles. Goodness I'm melting, I'm melting.

"Aii, cool. Let me know when you've got one." He says and I lightly chuckle. 

"I'll be downstairs cooking if you need me. Make yourself at home." I say and we exchange one last smile. I leave his room, closing the door behind me and heading next door to my room first to grab my phone. As I'm leaving my room I hear Jace's door open.

"Oh good I caught you, can I have your number?" Jace asks and I nearly die. He probably just wants it to keep tab on me and not in the way that I'm thinking. I just nod my head not even trusting myself to form words. We switch phones and I enter my contact name as "Ri" with a few emojis just for fun. After typing in my number I open his camera to take a pic and then I save it. I hand him back his phone the same time he gives me back mine.

"Jacey? Doesn't that sound like it'll get annoying." I ask. Jace looks at me and smirks.

"Not if it comes from you." He says huskily and winks at me. He then closes his door and leaves me dying outside his door. Maybe it won't be too bad having him as my babysitter. 

A/N I'm kinda psyched to see what I do next but this one goes out to the ma'am, the myth, the legend _BarelyNormal for THE FANTABULOUS COVER OF THIS BOOK! I finally posted it after being M.I.A. for like forever. Blame school, its literally killing me but I mean hey it's Friday rn and I need to go to sleep if I wanna wake up in like 6 hours so yeah again THANKS BOO! 💕💓

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