Hello Noah

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Jacey 😉😍😈👅 : Um babe, your mom fired me.

Ri 😍😇👄💓: What do you mean she fired you?

Jacey😉😍😈👅 : I mean, I'm not your babysitter anymore.

Ri😍😇👄💓 : Boy, quit playing. See you in 30 mins. 

I roll my eyes and toss my phone on my bed. Jace better be pulling some huge prank on me. I get up and walk downstairs. I grab a bag of cool ranch doritos out of the pantry before going to find my mother. I walk around until I find her about to go upstairs.

"Ma?" I ask and she jumps as I munch on my chips. 

"Jesus Riele you nearly gave me a heart attack." She says as breathes deeply with her hand over her heart. She composes herself and walks to me.

"Honey lets sit down and talk." She says and takes my wrist and brings me to the couches. We sit down and I just keep munching.

"Okay, what's up?" I ask her and then I place 2 more chips in my mouth.

"Well I don't know how to break this to you but Jace isn't your babysitter anymore." She says and I swallow too fast. I immediately start choking and my eyes get watery. A water bottle is placed in my hands so I drink it. I cough for a little bit and then drink some more water. I wipe my eyes and close the bottle then put it down. I take a few deep breaths and look at my mother with wide eyes.

"What do you mean? What happened? Why not?" I ask her and she sighs.

"You don't need to know everything just know that I've decided to get you a more appropriate babysitter. He's an expediter from my job and he seems nice. Jace already knows everything oh and your babysitter's name is Noah and he's 26. He has a girlfriend so don't mess that up for him." My mom says and my jaw drops.

"Mommy!" I squeal and she just laughs. 

"I'm kidding, you better not be like that. Don't be fresh." She says and gets up. I just sit on the couch. I groan and throw myself against the couch. Yes I'm having a temper tantrum. After I'm done I get up and take my chips and water bottle to my room. I dive into bed and unlock my phone. I immediately call Jace. He immediately picks up.

"Riele, I'm not-" 

"I know, Mommy told me. Um did she tell you why?" I ask him.

"She said something about wanting me to give you space and wait until you get to college to try to be with you. She made it seem like I force you into doing things and I just -"

"Jace Norman, you do not. Stop it." I scold him. He sighs.

"Ri, are you sure? I kinda forced you into meeting my friends and to come to my house." Jace says dejectedly.

"Jace come on, you know me. You can't force me into doing something I don't want to do. You know my mom got some dude from your dad's company to watch me. He's an expediter and his name's Noah, you know him?" I ask, changing the subject before Jace can try to really get himself upset.

"Wait is she talking about Noah Centineo?" Jace asks.

"Wow, you know your people huh?" I ask him jokingly. I get up and make my way out of my room.

"No, but I make sure to know who to stay away from. Ri, he's bad news. Be careful and call if he even starts to fidget please." Jace pleads and I raise my eyebrow.

"Okay, I will. What's the matter?" I ask and Jace sighs.

"Well the guy seems nice but he's been known to abuse his girlfriend. Physically, verbally and sexually. My dad is working on a way to fire him but he can't since his girlfriend makes claims about him and then just laughs them off when cops show up to investigate. Noah also made it seem like she's crazy and clumsy so now the cops don't bother checking things out. Bottom line is he's a control freak around younger women and I don't know to what extent." Jace spews out and I feel like running away. I have to be watched by this guy. This guy is supposed to be staying in my house. This guy is gonna fucking kill and rape me. 

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