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It's been a little over a month since my mom's party. Jace is set to come over for winter break since our parents are all taking a vacation/business trip. My mom doesn't know it but I'll actually be staying over at the guy's house since we're all spending break together. Jace has toned down the flirting and really keeps it strictly friendly around me and I hate it. I tried to talk to my mom about it but she's been really busy trying to plan and pack for her trip. 

"Riele, I want to talk to you before I leave." My mom calls out to me from her room.

"Ma, you know you've still got 2 weeks before you leave right?" I ask her loudly as I make my way downstairs to her bedroom.

"Yes I know that now get your tail in here." She calls from her room. I just roll my eyes, knowing she can't see me. I've been really patient with her on the outside but on the inside she's been going out of her way to place a rift between Jace and I. She doesn't know I text him all the time but he's been trying to meet up with me more but every time I ask my mom she says no because I have to do some chores that we discussed weren't mine or that I've already done. Practically anything to keep me away from him, yet when I ask to go out with Jade or Jack, neither of whom she has yet to meet it is perfectly okay. I thought she liked him. I just shake my head and take a deep breath before entering her room and sitting down on her bed. She sits down in front of me.

"So I've noticed you and Jace are becoming close." She mentions and I internally groan. I don't mean to be rude but you put 2 teens together, both of whom are attractive and single, and you seriously expected nothing to happen? Be real. I just nod my head, acting as if it's nothing. 

"I'm here to tell you that you better watch yourself. I love the Normans but the last thing I need is a baby from you and Jace. I will say though if he does force you into doing something you don't want you need to tell me. Has he touched you in any way?" My mother says seriously. I almost want to smack her. How could she ever think Jace could do something like that? I feel my face twist in confusion.

"Mom-" I start but then she just shushes me.

"No don't tell me. Tell a police officer first." She says and then gets up.

"Mom, Jace would never do that." I say to her and she freezes.

"Do you know what he did to his ex girlfriend?" My mom asks and I nearly lose it. Fallen was talking to my mom? How in the hell did she even get in contact with my mom? What the fuck is my mom even doing talking to her! I decide to just play dumb.

"Ex-girlfriend?" I ask and my mom nods her head.

"Yeah that poor Fallen girl. She told me Jace forced her to have sex with him and then got upset with her when he found out she was pregnant. He left her but not before beating her." My mom divulges and I nearly laugh my ass off. This was the best story Fallen could come up with. But then shit hits me, if she's told my mom this what the fuck is that bitch telling other people. 

"Um Mom do you happen to have the contact information of this ex-girlfriend?" I ask and my mom nods.

"Sure, call her on my phone. I've been meaning to check on her anyways." My mom responds and she hands me her phone. I unlock her phone and head to her call log. Someone's been awfully chatty, I think while seeing Fallen's name almost under every day in the call log. I call the number and it's picked up on the second ring.

"Ms.Downs? Jace texted me earlier today, I think he's coming to hurt me." I hear a pathetic cry. My mother's face changes and I roll my eyes and scoff.

"How pathetic are you? You seriously lied to my mom about Jace? You know damn well Jace couldn't even hurt a fly. Jace is a virgin, if he wasn't his mother would kill him and that's why she wanted him nowhere near your whore ass." I spit over the phone.

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