His Princess

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"Hey Riele, did you do the homework?" Claire asks.

"Yeah but I have my half day today remember? I've got nothing but online classes and then I have to help Mrs.Branwell in the library." I tell Claire, one of my friends in this stupid school. She's really pretty and has a kind soul.

"Oh damn, you turned it in already."Claire says dejectedly and I smile sadly at her.

"Sorry C." I say to her. She rolls her eyes then sighs.

"It's okay, I'll see you later." She replies in a bored tone. Sometimes I wonder if the few people I call my friends are even actually my friends or just kids looking to mooch off of me. I shake my head as if to get rid of that thought. I head to the computer lab. 

"Hey Ms.Collins, how's Gabe doing?" I ask the lab overseer as soon as I step inside. I walk to her desk. 

"He's good. I actually wanted to ask if you minded watching him for Gideon and I soon. He really thinks of you as his second mother, it's so sweet how he's always asking about you." Ms.Collins responds. I smile and laugh a little.

"Ah that kid, I'll watch Gabe anytime. Just tell me when and I'll let my mother know. I can't imagine why he pictures me as a second mother, we're only maybe 8 years apart. I'm more like his sister. Are you and Gideon having another date night?" I ask her and wiggle my eyebrows. Ms. Collins blushes and immediately starts typing away at her computer.

"Riele do your work. We can talk later." She tries to command and I just laugh then log onto the computer closest to her desk. I place my butt in my seat and whip out my phone. While waiting for my computer to log in and prepare I put my headphones in and search for something to listen to. I don't want to get too hype but I also don't want to depress myself. I play Needed Me and immediately get to work.

My eyes roam my screen. Am I finished with french for this week? Oh yes I am. I've completed all my online assignments already. Guess I'll do next weeks.

"Hey Ms.Collins are there any tests I have to take?" I call out.

"No hun, you're good. If you want I can open up your assignments for next week." Ms. Collins replies.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." I call out and click on my assignments tab once I see the notification for more assignments. I click on the tab for French first. My assignment is to write a recipe completely in French and then to record myself following it. Greeeat.

"Ms.Collins can you do me a favor?" I call out again.

"Who am I emailing?" She asks, she knows me so well.

"Photography teacher, I want to know if it's okay for my culture project if I take pictures of a french dish?" I speak. I stop my music and I just hear a bunch of click clack typing. 

"Alright I sent it, I should have an answer within 15 minutes. Keep on doing those assignments." Ms. Collins instructs.

"Yes Ma'am." I nod my head and get back to work. I open my French portal thingy and go through it looking for any recipes mentioned before. Of course I don't come across any. I exit out my french portal and return back to my assignment page. I have an essay to complete for my creative writing class which is really just a journal entry and finally I have a questionnaire to fill out although it's not for either of my online classes. I read more into the essay assignment discovering that I can either write about an issue I face or a recurring dream I have. I decide to go with the issue I have which I decide is hunger. It sounds ridiculous but I'm going to make this essay sound like it's about a tendency to harm myself rather than my simple issue of not staying full.

About 20 minutes later, I've finished my essay. I submit it and that clears out 1 assignment.

"Ri your teacher said that's perfect, do exactly that." Ms. Collins informs me.

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