Get To Know You

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Dinner was awkward as hell. I'd already washed the dishes and made my way into the living room. I freeze in place seeing Jace on the couch. I snap out of my little trance and just sit on the couch. 

"It's really awkward isn't it?" Jace asks and I just nod my head.

"Let's try to clear the air, should we just ask each other questions?" I propose. Jace nods and puts his phone in his pocket and turns more to face me. I turn to face him and goodness gracious he's biting his lip.

"Okay me first do you have a boyfriend?" Jace asks. Uhm hell no, you can definitely get it. I just sit in shock knowing that he doesn't mean it like that. I watch his eyes go wide and he immediately apologizes.

"I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable, I just wanted to know in case like I come home and there's a guy here and I don't wanna make things weird by asking him if he's like - fuck I'm gonna stop talking now." Jace rambles and I just giggle. Oh hell, he made me giggle. He's so cute when he's all nervous.

"No I don't have a boyfriend, in fact I don't even really have friends maybe like two or three. What about you, girlfriend?" I ask trying not to come off too hopeful. Jace looks at me and just smiles but like a sad kind of smile.

"Not anymore, I broke up with her yesterday." Jace admits. 

"Oh that's great. I mean wait that sucks. Wait no I mean great that you won't have to worry about explaining why you're residing with me but it sucks because well break ups usually suck, right?" I say, truly just speaking my thoughts. Jace just laughs at me.

"It's okay, she was a pain. I get what you mean. Why are we so nervous?" Jace asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Maybe we don't want to come off as weirdos."I say speaking for myself and Jace nods in agreement.

"What time do you need to be at school?" Jace asks me. 

"Hmm 9 but I get out early so I would have to be picked up at 1." I say and Jace smiles.

"That works perfectly, I have 2 morning classes so I should be out by 12 and headed your way. How come you get out early?" He questions, his face is a little scrunched up with confusion.

"The program I'm in at school allows me to have a half day every week since I'm taking advanced classes and doing all this extra stuff. I chose Fridays as my half days and the other students in the program chose like Wednesdays and Tuesdays since those are the days our school has like games and stuff." I explain to him. I don't really care for any of my school's teams. 

"Oh okay that's pretty cool. You're a little nerd , um how do you like football?" Jace questions.

"It's okay." I say and he nods.

"Wanna come to a football game tomorrow? I'm kinda on the team at my school and I don't feel right leaving you home alone but if you want to you can stay home." He rushes out.

"No I wanna see you play, how much are the tickets?" I ask with some enthusiasm. Hot guy plays football, my day has been made.

"You don't have to pay, I get a ticket to every game so you'll have that." Jace says and I nod. I can't help but wonder.

"Okay so I feel bad for asking but was the ticket originally meant for your girlfriend?" I ask.

"Ex now and nah. She never came to any of my games, usually it was my dad or my brother if he was in town." He says coolly. 

"Oh okay well don't worry, I'll cheer for you." I say.

"Ooo my own personal cheerleader, I like it. If you wanna be around good people I can get you to sit with my friends if you want. They're really chill people and I think you'd like them." Jace smirks at me.

"Yeah sure, this all feels kinda fast." I say stupidly. Why oh why did I say that? Jace's face turns into a confused one.

"What do you mean?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing so my mom did tell me a little about you but I blanked out so tell some stuff about the great Jace Norman." I say with a little pizaz at the end.

"Well I'm 18, my birthday is in March, I have an older brother and sister neither live at home, I have a dog but I wasn't allowed to bring him, I like photography and cooking is really fun to me. Oh and I hate when people play with my hair." Jace says. I was paying attention but I became more focused on his lips after he licked them in the middle of his little speech.

"Can I ask why?" I blurt out.

"Well the only person who has was my ex and her hands were kinda rough, she always pulled on my hair and it just hurt a lot. Then she got her friends to do it and their crusty hands didn't help at all so I just decided not to let anyone play in my hair again." Jace said with a look of disgust on his face. I laugh.

"Sorry but you let the wrong person touch your hair, can I touch it? Just once, if you like it then yay and if you don't I won't ask ever again." I try to coax him. He looks at me curiously then he sighs. He gets up and plops on the floor in front of me with his back against the couch.

"Huh even sitting you're kinda tall." I mumble and I hear him chuckle. I turn my body so I can have better access. I start to play with his hair, just running my hands through it softly and massaging his scalp.

"Ohh wow, you can do this anytime you want damn this feels really good." Jace practically moans out. I just smirk and continue playing with his head.

"So I guess you get to hear about me. I'm 16 my birthday is in July, I have an older sister that is somewhere in Europe right now. I'm practically always reading or listening to music, I like dancing but hey we got the photography thing in common. Cooking isn't a true passion of mine, I prefer the end result more than the whole process. Painting is kinda chill for me and I've never had a pet so yeah, that's me." I say all while rubbing this boys scalp. 

"Okay we'll have to do a photo shoot together and see what we come up with. Do you have a camera?" Jace voices sounding a little more put together this time.

"I used to but my sister took it when she left." I tell him. I hate her for that.

"I have spares at my house, we can go pick up one. How about Saturday we just walk around and take pics of my campus and the foods we encounter?" Jace proposes. This almost sounds like he's asking me on a date but he's not right? Yeah no this is just a hang out plan. 

"I'd love to, that sounds cool. I should probably clean up a little and go to bed." I say and then I stop playing with Jace's hair. He immediately groans and whines.

"Aww man, I was really enjoying that. Can you do that again after my game tomorrow?" Jace asks like a shy 8 year- old. I smile.

"Yeah sure, are you gonna go to bed too?" I speak. Jace just sits in front of me silent for a while then he sighs.

"Yeah, what do you want for breakfast?" He asks me.

"Umm how about pancakes and eggs?" I suggest.

"No bacon?" Jace asks kinda disappointed.

"Of course bacon, we only have pork is that okay?" I ask.

"That's wassup." Jace says eagerly. I just giggle. He races upstairs and I just shake my head, he went from being 18 to 8 just that fast. I clean up a little, turning off the lights and closing the blinds before going upstairs. Once upstairs I brush my teeth and braid my hair in the bathroom. I wash my face and then get the urge to actually use the bathroom which I do. I walk out the bathroom and turn off the lights before retreating into my room. I plug my phone into my charger and get in bed. I close my eyes and hear a ding. I immediately reach for my phone.

Jacey😉😍😈👅 : Goodnight Ri, sweet dreams 😌😉

I immediately smiled and sent him a text back.

Ri😍😇👄💓: Night Jacey, you too😌😊

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