No longer a joke...

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Trevor's POV

"This is incredible!" Lamar shouts as he takes his camera out of his grey backpack.

"Yeah, it is." I say before crouching down to retie my shoelace.

Lamar is busy snapping photos of the beautiful landscape. Me and the rest of the cast are in Perth, Australia. It's amazing!

I stroll over the rocks of the beach we've visited. Most of the cast are either posting images or taking photos. Although as I look to my left towards the ocean, I see Jordan on her phone. Speaking to someone.

I'm close enough to hear parts of her conversation. Though, it's hard to gage who she's talking too. I smile broadly as she laughs down the phone. Jordan's probably talking to a family member. Her mum maybe. We've been a way for a while so home sickness is really kicking in for a lot of us.

Even though me and the cast have traveled away from home before, this feels different. It took 21 hours on the plane. We left from Toronto and landed in Sydney.

That's a whole 21 hours away from my family. That's 15,558km away.

I only notice I've been daydreaming when Jordan's voice resonates in my hearing. I glance back over at her, a smile all over her face.

And that's when I hear it. She not talking to her mum at all. Not even a family member.

"We're all missing you so much, Britt." Jordan sighs.

I freeze. She's talking to Brittany?!

"Yeah, I should probably get going too. I'll speak to you later B. Love ya." I hear Jordan say before she ends the call, placing her phone in her back pocket.

My hearts beating. I haven't spoken to Britt in a while. I wonder how she is. If she's okay.

"Oi Trevor! What you staring at?" Jordan shouts with a slight giggle.

"Uh nothing. Don't worry bout it." I stutter.

She smiles as she walks towards me. Obviously noticing I'm a little on edge. I try to regain my posture as Jordan stands next to me.

"You sure your alright? You suddenly seem a"

"I'm fine." I nod.

"You know, I was just speaking to Britt." Jordan says. I can't help but notice a smirk on her face.

"Really? That's nice." I mumble. Trying to keep my cool. It's obvious what Jordan is doing.

"You must miss her a lot."

"Everyone does. She's been on every tour so it's strange not having her here." I tell her.

"Yeah, I bet she misses you too." Jordan sniggers.

"What you trying to say Jordan?" I smile slightly, my heart rate increasing.

"Oh nothing. Nothing at all." She laughs before skipping off towards Victoria.

"Your such a wind up!" I shout at her in a joking manner.

"I'm only doing what the fans want." Jordan giggles as she turns back around to face me.

"Oh and what's that?"

"To help you admit your feelings Trevor! Trittany is real!" Jordan screams as the top of her lungs.

The cast look around at her, laughing. Jordan's always been like this. She is just like any other Trittany fan. Doing whatever is possible to voice her opinion about how me and Brittany are 'meant to be'.

It's always been a joke. Always been 'banter'. But for some reason it feels different this time. I feel on edge. As if I don't want her making jokes like that. Because I'm starting to realise that those feelings maybe real.

 Because I'm starting to realise that those feelings maybe real

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Holly xx 😘

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