Letting go...

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Not proof read...what a surprise!

Trevor's POV

"Why don't you get it? Me and Brittany are together. That's it. No matter what you do, nothing's going to change that. So give up!"

"Ohh, someone's getting a little defensive. You might want to calm down so we can talk about this like real men." Giuseppe taunts.

Is he being serious? How can anyone be so flipping irritating. He makes my skin crawl, my blood boil and my mind give up on me. After he left roses at Brittany's front door, I knew I had to deal with this once and for all. This guy needs to be brought down a peg or two. He's way to cocky for my liking. Some people may see me as a little hypocritical for saying that as I'm perceived a cocky guy myself. However, I have something called self respect. Also for other people. Preferably someone named Brittany too. I don't think Giuseppe knows how to spell the word respect.

"Real men? You don't even know the meaning of what a real man is. Because a real man doesn't disrespect another individuals relationships. A real man would never meddle or try to come between that.A real man doesn't make a move on a woman who clearly wants nothing to do with them." I yell, my voice cracking a little at the pure anger that's risen within me.

"Please, Brittany was literally begging for it. Can you blame her though? All those moments we shared on the set, those amazing times we kissed right in front of you. They were real. All I'm doing is helping her realise that."

I laugh. That's the only thing I'm able to at this very moment. Well, I could swing at him but I'll wait a little longer to knock him out.

"Are you delusional? Those 'moments' were scenes. Scripted scenes that Brittany participated in because she had to. And as for Brittany apparently begging for you, your out of your mind. She only begs for me dumbass."

Giuseppe's stance falls. His once strong posture comes crumbling down at my words.

"You better stay away Giuseppe. No texts, no calls and definitely no roses. Move on. Find a girl that wants you back. Don't chase after mine, alright?" I scold as I inch closer to him.

"I'll never stop trying."

"Yes you will. Your gonna stop now. Because if you don't, I'll do something I'll regret." I say as he raises his eyebrows. "And that's not how I roll."

"Having to quote your character to make yourself look tough, huh?" Giuseppe teases.

"I guess me and James are similar though." I begin. Giuseppe looks at me, interested about what I have to say. "I won Brittany, James won Riley. Coincidence? I don't think so."

"You think you so cool don't y-." Giuseppe begins but is cut off by the ringer in his phone. It's a notification.

"Oh would you look at this. Brittany's just got hold of me on twitter. It happens to be a private message as well." He laughs.

I glare at him, awaiting the sudden frown that will soon appear in his face. I know 100% that Brittany would never get hold of Giuseppe in that way. The fact she's also had to communicate with him through twitter symbolises how she's still got him blocked in text and other social media sites. "Go on then. Read it aloud."

"Sure." He begins, seeming all to confident. "It says, i don't know how many time I need to tell you that I'm not interested in you. I'm done trying to warn you of politely. You need to realise that I want fuck all to do with you." Giuseppe reads. A frown falls upon his face. I try to bite back a laugh as he scowls at his phone.

"Any more?" I inquire. Giuseppe huffs as he throw his phone across the room. I look back to it in pieces in the floor.

"Leave." Giuseppe mumbles. I laugh hysterically as he ushers me to his front door.

"Just a little crush." (TRITTANY) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now