More than a present...

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Brittany's POV

As December the 28th is brought to a close, I climb into my bed and submerge myself within the pink satin duvet. The past few days have been hectic, fun but hectic. I couldn't of asked for such an amazing experience when it came to Christmas this year. The food was great, my presents were insane and the people closest to me were by my side. I can't explain how happy that makes me feel.

Trevor is currently is Hawaii. He left on Boxing Day. We text everyday, and it's clear he's having a good time. I'm really glad he's allowing himself to relax. It's been a long and busy year for him. He deserves a break.

As my thoughts wonder through each part of the past few days, I can't help but stumble past a rather uncomfortable memory. One that I've yet to tell anyone about. It started when he came to my house, innocently I believe he wanted to drop off a present. I couldn't of been more wrong.


"Thanks for letting me come round at such short notice Britt."  Giuseppe smiles as he enters my apartment.

"No problem. And you didn't have to buy me a present." I sigh knowing I haven't got him anything. Can he blame me though? I never thought I would see him over this holiday and was kinda hoping I didn't. He's just so...annoying.

Obviously mine and his character had our moment but that was season 4. We finished filming season 5 in the summer. A season that he's hardly involved in. Scenes with Giuseppe were ok, he was ok but as time passed he became more...forward. Constantly asking if I wanted to go out with him for a drink or come and see him in productions he was in. I accompanied him on a few occasions purely to keep him off my back. After a while we drifted apart. Probably because I stopped texting him back as frequently. Or the fact I didn't go out of my way to make an effort to see him. That's why it's so weird that he's suddenly turned up. And with a present too! There must be more to it than that.

"I wanted to get you a present though. To say thanks for the best experience of my life. Being on set and learning form the cast, especially you was something I'll never forget." He smirked. I gulped as he did so.

"Oh, well I' you had fun I guess."

"You seem nervous Brittany. Is everything okay?" Giuseppe asks as he walks closer to me, making me feel rather uncomfortable. I stutter slightly, inching further away from him.

"Uh, yes. Just tired. You should probably get going. Thanks for the present." I say quickly. Probably to quick for him to comprehend what I said.

"Um, well I didn't think I'd be here for such a short time. I was hoping we could talk you know, like old times." Giuseppe says with a glint of hope in his eyes.

I don't understand. A present. That's all he was here for. To give me a present and now it seems as though he's hitting on me. I try to calm myself down, telling myself I'm overreacting but am proved right as he continues.

"Do you remember that B, when it was just us. We used to go for a drink, enjoy each others company. I loved it. I loved being with you. I still do."

--End of flashback--

You think that's it? Well you're wrong? Almost immediately after his outpour of what he considered to be emotion, Giuseppe made his move. My world was brought to a halt as his lips inched closer to mine. Although, my world didn't stop in a lovey dovey way, more like a "what the hell do you think you're doing" way. Luckily time caught up with me as I pushed him away with all the power I had. His lips never made it to my own, fortunately. I still can't shake the look of pure confusion as he saw the anger within me. I couldn't believe he actually thought he had a chance with me. Maybe if I was single, then I'd let it slip but he clearly knows I'm with someone. And that someone was his co-worker. It disgusted me at how low Giuseppe has stooped. He surely knows he blowed his chance with me but let's be perfectly honest...

He never even had one.

Heyyy! How are you all? I hope you had an amazing Christmas!

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Heyyy! How are you all? I hope you had an amazing Christmas!

Sorry if this chapter was a little boring but it was needed to fill in the gaps with what happened. Also, I know Trevor left for Hawaii before Boxing Day but it fitted with the story.

I'm also sorry for taking so long to update though I feel like I'm starting to get back into the flow of things 💜

Please let me know your thoughts on the chapter and if you have any questions about the book or me (don't know why you would but...) just ask.

I love you all so much xxx

Holly 😘❤

"Just a little crush." (TRITTANY) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now