Seeking advice...

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Brittany's POV

"Please Trev, calm down babe." I hush, my heartbeat increasing rapidly.

"CALM DOWN! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!" Trevor shouts down the phone! My eyes start to water as I begin to panic.

"I pushed him away before he could even kiss me, you have to believe me." I stutter.

"Britt, I believe you. But him. WHAT THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE'S PLAYING AT?!"

"I don't know Trev, I really don't. He just turned up with a present and made a move. I was just as shocked as you." I explain. My tears begin to deteriorate as I know Trevor believes me, although his anger hasn't decreased at all.

Nothing is said for a moment. All I can hear is heavy breathing and mumbles in the background. It's clear Trevor's trying to calm himself down. My heart stops as silence falls upon me, but I soon take a deep breath once Trevor begins to speak again.

"You said this happened before Christmas Britt. So why didn't you tell me?" Trev asks obviously disappointed that I wasn't truthful straight away.

"I wanted to, I did but I was scared. I didn't know how you would react. I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin Christmas."

"It's fine, I just wish you would have told me sooner." Trevor says with a softer voice. "I'm sorry for shouting baby, I just can't believe he would do that. Knowing about us and all."

"You aren't mad at me are you?" I enquire.

"Nah babe, not at you anyway. Though you do realise that when I see that dickhead next, I'm going to beat the shit out of him." Trevor tells me. He chuckles whilst my tears dry up.

"I love you Trev. I'm sorry for spoiling your holiday." I smile.

"I love you too Britt, so much. And you didn't spoil anything ok, I'm glad you told me."

"Alright. I'll speak to you later, yeah?"

"Of course, and make sure to call me if you hear from him." Trevor informs me.

"Will do, bye Trev."

"Bye B." He laughs.

--Later that day--

Today's mainly consisted of drinking loads of coffee and lazing around watching Netflix. Since me and Trevor's phone call earlier, I've not got up to doing much. Although me and Trevor are ok, I can't seem to get Giuseppe out of my mind. I don't mean that in a way you might hear in a romantic film, I mean it in a "what the freaking hell was he thinking" way. I keep trying to figure out why the hell he thought he even had a chance. And why he acted upon it now. Giuseppe knew that I was with Trevor. Surely you should respect that no matter how your feelings for someone.

As I ponder, whilst watching The Walking Dead, I see Victoria appear through the front door.

"Hey girl." She squeals clearly happy about something.

"Hey, what's put you in such a good mood?" I ask as she drops countless shopping bags by the door and joins me on the couch.

"Nothing much, just the fact that Lamar is taking me to Paris!" She screams.

"Awww, that's so cool. What made him do that?" I enthuse.

"He said he felt like we hadn't gotten the chance to spend that much one on one time together lately. He thought taking me away would be a good idea. And he happened to book tickets to go to the place I've always wanted to visit."

I laugh uncontrollably as Victoria screams the apartment down. I've never seen her this excited. I know how much she's always wanted to visit Paris. I'm actually so proud of Lamar for doing this for her. It's guaranteed he's earned some boyfriend points.

"Anyways, enough about me...for now. How are things with you and Trevor." Vic asks.

"They're alright, I spoke to him this morning actually." I tell her.

As time passes I fill her in on everything involving Giuseppe. She is like a sister to me after all. Victoria was horrified when I told her. She couldn't believe it. I think she thought I was joking, though she quickly believed me when she noticed the worry in my eyes.

"You alright Britt?"

"Ugh...kinda. I'm just so pissed off. Everything was perfect and he had to ruin it." I grumble.

"Oi, he hasn't ruined anything. You and Trevor are going strong. What he did isn't going to destroy that. If anything will, it'll be how you deal with it."

"What do you mean?"

"Giuseppe tried to kiss you, I get that. But right now it's up to you to make your relationship work. Only you and Trevor are the ones that can show Giuseppe that he didn't affect anything. Prove that dick wrong." Victoria says as she nudges me a little.

I take a moment to process what she just told me. That's when I think of something that'll put everything right.

"You may think I'm crazy but I've got an idea." I mumble. "You need to help me pack Vic, I'm going to Hawaii."

I just want to start of by letting you know how grateful I am for 6k views! That's crazy! Thank you so much!

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I just want to start of by letting you know how grateful I am for 6k views! That's crazy! Thank you so much!

I hope you liked this chapter, I enjoyed writing it actually x

As I said in the last chapter, if you have any ideas about future books I could write please let me know.

I love you all!!!!

Holly 😘❤

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