I need to see you...

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Brittany's POV

Sunlight seeps through the curtains as I pour milk into my mug. There's nothing like a coffee to wake you up in the morning. I yawn as I grab hold of my mug, wrapping my fingers that are embellished with white acrylics and multiple rings, around the handle. As I collapse upon my sofa and place my coffee onto the table in front of me, I hear the soothing sound of my phone. I reach to my back pocket, grabbing my phone. It's Victoria.

From Victoria: Hey B, I should be home around 1pm. Can't wait 2 see u. I'm expecting one of those chocolate donuts to be waiting for me xxx

I laugh at Victoria's text, knowing I have her favourite donuts stashed away in the kitchen cupboard. Today's the day Victoria is returning back to the apartment. Even though the cast finished the Wild Rhythm Tour around a week ago, Vic went to stay with her family and today's she's due back. I'm really excited to see Vic. It's certainly been weird having the flat to myself. Spacious but still odd.

The tour seemed amazing. I'm so proud of the cast putting on such an incredible show. I'm more proud of Lamar than anyone else. Having to take my place last minute and learn all the routines in nearly no time at all must have been stressful. He definitely put his heart and soul into this tour. Something that I never got to do. Yes, I'm proud but there's also a part of me that's jealous. I would of loved to have experienced the crowds every night and travel around Europe. Though, family always comes first, no matter the consequences.

As I lock my phone, I notice the date. The 22nd of November. That raises an alarm. Though I can't put my finger on what that is. I squint my eyes trying to comprehend what this date means to me. Then I realise. Trevor! It's Trevor's birthday! I smile broadly just from the thought. I can't believe I forgot. How could I possibly forget. I unlock my phone...again and compose a message to the man himself.

To Trevor: Hey Trev, 21 huh? Someone's getting old...😂

I send the message, still smiling to myself. Not even 2 minutes later my phone buzzes. I grab my phone instantly after seeing my phone screen light up.

From Trevor: Haha, says the 21 year old...hypocrite.

To Trevor: I'm joking. Happy birthday! Have an amazing day.

From Trevor: Thanks B, missed you btw. Hope your doing alright x

To Trevor: No problem, and I'm good though I can't say I missed you too.

From Trevor: We'll pretend you didn't say that. Have a good day x

To Trevor: You too x 😊

As I put my phone back onto the coffee table I can't help but think back to the kiss Trevor sent me at the end of the text. We've never done that before. After all, we are only friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Friends. People who enjoy each others company. So why now? Why has he suddenly had the urge to end the text with a kiss? Was it just a mistake or did he mean it? So many freaking questions swirl around my brain. As I try to control them my phone buzzes. I look down and gulp. It's him.

From Trevor: Forgot to ask if ur free tonight? I need to see you. It's important x

Hey! It's Trevor's birthday today!

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Hey! It's Trevor's birthday today!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I can't wait to update next. 💜

Things are really starting to heat up. They certainly will in the next chapter!

Have an amazing night/day wherever you are. I love you all xx

Holly 😘❤️

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