When two becomes four...

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(Not proof read so sorry if there are any errors xx)

Trevor's POV

"Morning babe." I mumble as I roll over in the bed to face Brittany. She gives me a smile, obviously too tired to reply. We went to sleep late last night. I guess she's also tired after her journey yesterday.

I really don't know what the plan is today. We're probably stay by the pool for a while, I'm also thinking of talking Brittany to the beach. My family will most likely stay here as we've been to the beach countless times since getting here. I'm also nearly 100 percent sure that my mum will be attending the near by spa. My sister will certainly join her.

It doesn't take long for Britt to wake up actually. She went to have a shower before getting dressed in the cutest white play suit. Britt also made sure to wear her bikini underneath. As she was in the bathroom, I was sat on the bed, scrolling through Instagram. I came across Brittany's latest post. It was a selfie of her last night at the restaurant. She looked stunning. As I gaze down the screen, something catches my eye. My blood starts to boil. My fists clench together. Giuseppe commented...

giuseppebausilio Your a lucky man Trev 😏
2m Reply

My jaw drops. Doesn't this guy have any respect for others let alone himself. Seeing as he only sent this 2 minutes ago, I wait a few minutes to see if anyone notices. They do. My notifications start to blow up with screenshots of his comment. There's countless people saying how weird it was of him to say that. Some other people were captioning there post with #backoffgiuseppe

I couldn't help but laugh a little. Giuseppe is really creating a bad name for himself. There's no way in this world that this little weasal is going to get inbetween what me and Brittany have, and I'm also so glad that the fans out there have our backs too. This guy needs to realise, that not only did I (as James) get Riley, but I got Brittany as well. There's no room for an Alfie or Giuseppe.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opens. Brittany appears with her phone firmly in her hand. She looks as though she's scrolling through something...

"You seen it too?" I ask her, wondering if she will catch on to what I'm talking about.

"Sure have, my notifications are going crazy. He's such a...weirdo." Brittany says with a disgusted look upon her face.

"That's one way to describe him."

"Maybe I should send him a message." Brittany's ponders as she joins me on the end of the bed. "You know, just telling him to back off."

"Nah, that's what he wants. A reaction. You can't give him what he wants, instead you just got to ignore him." I tell her. She nods. "You could block him on all social media though. Therefore he can't keep contacting you through those platforms."

Brittany's nods once again before scrolling through blocking him on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. She doesn't bother with Facebook as Britt rarely uses it. Once she's finished, I do the same. There's no reason I need to stay updated with such a dickheads life. I mean good luck to him and all, but as far as I'm concerned, there's no need for me to ever speak with him again. Maybe on professional terms, but never personally.

"Trev, are you family coming to the beach with us?" Britt asks me.

"I don't think so B. Why do you ask?"

"I was kinda hoping they would, they're hilarious." She laughs.

"And I'm not." I raise my eyebrow pretending to be offended.

"No, no. You really funny babe. Hilarious. But when your family are around it's like 10 times more hilarious." She tells me.

"Well I guess I could invite my brothers. Than the 4 of us could go down to the beach." I enquire. Brittany's immediately agrees to my idea. I'm actually not that fussed my brothers are joining us. As we've got older, you could say we're more mature. Well, to some extent. Deep down we're all still 5 years old.

I quickly text my brothers letting them know about our beach plan. Fortunately they both are willing to join us and agree to meet us in 5 minutes. Not even 2 minutes later, I hear a knock at the door. As I open it, I'm presented with Nathan and Steven. I can't help but laugh as I notice Steven wearing snorkelling goggles.

"Yo, these goggles suit me. Don't you think?" Steven says before pouting.

I can't even reply as I'm laughing so much. Yeah, when I said me and brothers are mature. I didn't mean Steven. He's still a child and to be honest, I think he always will be.

"Where's Brittany?" Nathan asks.

"I'm coming. Let me just grab my phone." I hear Brittany shout from the bedroom. As it's just me and my brothers, I take the opportunity to set some rules.

"Right, let me warn you now that if you embarrass me in any which way, I will personally throw you of that balcony." I say in a harsh tone.

"Embarrass you? We would never do that. Right Steven?" Nathan turns to the youngest out of all of us, smirking.

"Yeah, never."

Hey!!!! Sorry this chapter was kinda pointless but promise the next chapter will be better

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Hey!!!! Sorry this chapter was kinda pointless but promise the next chapter will be better.

Hope 2017 is already going well for you. I was wondering if any of you have New Year resolutions or goals. My resolution is to eat healthier...ugh. And my goal is to be able to say that my life isn't a total embarrassment by the end of the year x

I love all so much...and I've just noticed I now have 8k views! Ahhhhhhhh! Thank you!!!!

Holly xx 😘❤

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