Force a laugh...

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(Sorry for all the chapters being in Trev's POV but it makes more sense if it is.) ❤️

Trevor's POV

I laugh. Rather loudly. Rather forcefully. I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks as the audience collapse into silence, awaiting my answer.

"Maybe a little one." I chuckle. Trying to cover up the blush that is clearly visible across my cheeks.

The audience cheer, most of them smiling. I can see a ocean of phones pointing straight at me, I'm obviously being videoed. I'm in no doubt that this will be all over social media soon. And I'm also in no doubt that when I next check my phone, I'll be tagged in all the videos, all the memes and all the photos.

I fake a smile before moving on quickly. Not wanting to give anything away, especially when I know Brittany will be notified of this video as well.

A girl in front of Madison has her hand up. I swiftly stand next to her, anticipating her question.

"Are you single?" She asks.

I let out a laugh...again. A wave of 'ooh's' travel across the arena. The girl who asked this embarrassing yet somewhat interesting question smirks. She looks as though she already has a clear answer in her head. Like she knows what she hopes I will say.

"Yes, I am single." I look down at the girl who's grinning up at me. The audience boo as I shrug it off and carry on. I take a glance towards the rest of the cast who are lined up on the stage. Lamar is smirking mischievously, whereas Jordan is simply loving all the questions. I can't help but laugh, they all love winding me up. It's ok though, I spend my time winding them up too.

As we exit the stage after a long show, my heart is racing. That was such an incredible show, an eventful one too.

I pack up my things from the dressing room. Tonight we're heading back to the tour bus. We might grab a bite to eat before but I really do want to get to bed. I'm so tired, tonight was a busy show.

I exit the stage doors with Lamar beside me. As soon as the warm air hits me, I'm bombarded with people calling 'Trevor' or 'Trev!' I smile at the people who have waited outside the venue just to catch a glimpse of the cast. We all spend around half an hour taking pictures and singing autographs for the fans but we soon leave. Times getting on and the days have become quite tiring.

It's now 10:48pm. I'm gathering my stuff as I make my way to my bunk. I've just scoffed half a bag of crisps whilst scrolling through Instagram. I was right. My notifications are lighting up with videos of earlier's q&a. I take a look at some of them. The comments containing things like 'Trittany is real' or 'look at Trev's face, he obviously has a crush on her.' Nothing out of the ordinary really.

I grab my phone charger and earphone, as well as my phone and jump onto my bunk. Beneath me is Isaiah whilst above me is Isaac. Most of the cast are already in bed. I think it's only Victoria and Briar that are still awake.

I get under the covers, placing my head upon the pillow. I set my alarm but as I do, my phone freezes for a second. I sigh, that's until if realise someone's calling me. The caller ID appears...

It's Brittany.

Hey! Here's another chapter for you all!

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Hey! Here's another chapter for you all!

Please let me know if the chapters are getting boring. I'm always open to hear your ideas. 💜

Take care and I hope this brightened your day a little.

Holly xx 😘

"Just a little crush." (TRITTANY) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now