Part of the family...

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Brittany's POV

"Wait?! You're telling me he used to save pictures of me on his camera roll?" I snort.

"Yeah, he's a bit of a creep." Steven says causing Nathan to release all the laughter he's been trying to contain for the last 10 minutes.

"Oh, and talking about Trevor being a creep, he had this huge crush on a girl when he was like 11. Anyway, he would write love note in class and then give them to her." Nathan speaks up.

"That doesn't sound too bad." I defend Trev.

"You don't know what was written in those notes Brittany..." Nathan laughs as me and Steven join him.

It's as if Trevor senses something's up as he suddenly starts to make his way back over to us. He was just getting some drinks for us all whilst me, Nathan and Steven grabbed some sun beds and took a seat. The moment Trevor was out of sight, his two brothers couldn't help but tell me multiple little stories about him. It's clear they're trying to embarrass him but honestly, the stories aren't too bad. Though they are funny. Soon enough, Trevor is sitting at the end of my sun bed. He hands out the drinks though notices us all trying our best to hold back laughter.

"Yo, what's so funny?" Trevor questions. We all shake our head indicating it's nothing although he isn't buying it. "Oh come on, just tell me."

I glance at Nathan and Steven as they choke on their drink, laughing uncontrollably.

"Ok, they've just been telling me a few stories about you." I giggle while taking a sip on my Coca Cola. Trevor's eyebrows immediately rise and I notice his breathing quicken.

"And what stories would those be?" He asks.

"Just about how you saved images of Britt to your phone." Steven says.

"Really? You had to bring that up." Trevor blushes. "Thanks Bro." Trevor says whilst Steven and Nathan continue laughing. Honestly, I don't think they've stopped since we've got here. "But can you blame me, she's a good looking girl." He says winking at me.

"Well, she's part of the family now. She deserves to know all your embarrassing stories." Nathan says smiling at me. I smile back feeling touched at how he said I was 'part of the family.' I'm so thankful about how welcoming Trevor's family have been. I know me coming out and joining them on holiday must have been surprising as it was so last minute. I love them all for being so unbelievably kind and making me feel part of their family.

I glance up at Trevor and smile at him, he chuckles a little before tickling the bottom of my foot. I squeal as I throw my legs about yelping "stop" to Trevor. He finally stops allowing me to clam down.

"We're gonna head into the sea, you coming?" Nathan asks me and Trev. We nod before jumping up from the sun bed and strolling down towards the sea. I feel my feet sink into the sand a little with every step. The sun is beaming down onto us. I've already started to tan. So has Trevor. And damn, does it look good. You can really notice it as he's only wearing swimming trunks. Black trunks to be exact. Me and Trevor are actually matching as I'm in a black bikini.

As we reach the sea, it doesn't take long for the boys to get in shoulder deep. I take a while longer but I finally join them as swim around. It's so beautiful. The sea is stunning, I haven't ever imagined such a beautiful place.

"You guys didn't mind me coming out here did you?" I ask Nathan and Steven. Although it seems as it's only Nathan that's listening. Steven is too busy snorkelling...

"Of course not. I'm glad actually. I haven't had to hang out with that idiot as much since you've arrived." Nathan says causing Trevor to scowl at him.

"The feelings mutual." Trevor replies, flicking water into his face. Trevor and Nathan are constantly annoying one another. They repeatedly call each other a range of names though it's obvious that it's all in humour. They're just a typical example of brothers. They love each other really.

It's rather quiet as we watch several boats pass by in the distance. That's until Steven comes up out of the water, still with his goggles on.

"This is bloody brilliant. The amount of girls swimming in their bikinis is ridiculous." Steven utters.

"Bro, you've been checking out girls from under the water?" Trevor chuckles.

"Why else did you think I bought the snorkel?" Steven answers rhetorically. We all sigh before laughing hysterically. Nathan shakes his head in disbelief.

"And you said Trevor was the creep..." I giggle.

Steven gasps whilst Trevor swims towards me, reaching out for a high five. I hit his hand although giggle even more as he surprises me by grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. I climb onto Trevor's back, in a piggy back position, and wrap my arms around his neck from behind. Trevor grips onto my thighs, holding me up in the water.

As we all joke and mess about, I can't stop smiling. This holiday is turning out to be the best trip ever!

 This holiday is turning out to be the best trip ever!

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Hey!!!! How are you?

I just thought I'd update you on my new year resolutions...I've kinda broken all of them. Yay!!! One of them was to be healthy and as I'm writing this, I'm drinking a chocolate milkshake... Well, I hope your resolutions are going ok 💜

Anyways, sorry for not updating yesterday but I had a mock art exam today and was planning stuff. I hope you liked this chapter though.

Have a great evening (or day depending where you are) and I'll do my next to update tomorrow xx

Love you all sooooooo much,

Holly 😘❤

"Just a little crush." (TRITTANY) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now