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Here's the next chapter!

Hope you didn't wait for too long!


A few days passed and it was weekend already, for once Taichi and Momoi woke up earlier than usual.

"Well someone woke up earlier than usual" Ranmaru commented as he prepares the plates and glasses in the table, while Tenma was almost done cooking their foods

"Uhm!" Taichi answered happily, while Momoi nods her head in agreement.

"Looks like someone is excited for today's game huh Tenma" Ranmaru said as Tenma came and put the food to the table.

"You'll be cheering for me right? Taichi? Momoi?" Tenma asked the two, and the two nodded their heads happily.

Everyone started eating, after that Tenma was going to clean the dishes when Ranmaru reminded him that he needed to go.

"Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me!" Tenma said in a hurry.

"You'll watch the game right?" Tenma asked as he was done preparing.

"Yeah, will go a little more late don't worry will cheer for you as hard as we can, right Taichi?" Ranmaru asked Taichi who was watching in the living room with Momoi.

"Hai! Go papa win!" Taichi shouted excitedly.

"Ok then! See you later!" Tenma said and went out of the house.

"Taichi! Momoi! Will go in a few more minutes prepare yourself now if you want to be in time for the game!" Ranmaru shouted since he was busy doing something.

"Hai!" Shouted the two kids and went to their rooms to fix themselves, after an hour the three of them were prepared and went out of the house.

Once they got there, they were just in time since the game was just about to begin. The game was intense, Minamisawa's team were really good, no one wanted to back out it was a clash to clash game, as soon as the other gets the ball no more than a few seconds and it will be stolen, shoots were stopped, steals were done, hissatsu's were used, and keshin's were used, it even came to the point that it looked like Minamisawa's team will win. For the first half of the game the score was 3-5 with Minamisawa's team leading.

"Why don't we buy something to eat, it will be awhile before the second half starts" Ranmaru said, getting thirsty from all the shouting he did too cheer Tenma's team.

"Uhm!" Taichi nodded happily, excited for the second half to start.

The three went to buy foods, when someone called at Ranmaru.

"Ranmaru-sensei!" a child's voice shouted.

"Ranmaru looked around before noticing a child running towards him.

"Kuromi!" Ranmaru said happy to see his student here.

"Kuromi! Wait up!" a man's voice shouted. They looked up a man running towards them.

"Father!" Kuromi said looking up at his father who was not amused. Her father knelt down and looked at Kuromi sternly in the eyes.

"Kuromi what did I tell you no running off on your own didn't I?" He said in a strict and serious voice, which made Kuromi looked down.

"I'm sorry..." she said in a sad voice feeling guilty at what she did.

"Now now at least nothing bad happened to her" Ranmaru spoke up and June looked up to see Ranmaru looking down at him.

"Ah! Ranmaru-sensei! I didn't see you there!" June said sheepishly, standing up.

"It's ok, I understand how hard it is to look out for a child" Ranmaru said reassuringly.

"Papa?" Momoi called as she and Taichi looking curiously at the child.

"Who's she?" Taichi asked.

"This is Kuromi Wakanashi, a student of mine. Kuromi-chan this is my daughter Momoi and Taichi a son of my friend" Ranmaru introduced.

"Hi" Kuromi said shyly.

"Hello" Momoi greeted back smiling nicely at the child.

"Want to sit with us?" Taichi said waving friendly towards her. And the five of them chatted and went back towards the stage. June and Ranmaru were seated on each end of the children while the kids were seated with each other.

As the second half begin the intensity of the game went up to a whole new level, Tenma's team were all fired up not wanting to back up or even give up even as the other team scored another goal. The match was intense especially at the last seconds of the final half. In the end the game got tied to 6-6.

"Wow! That was an amazing game!" Taichi exclaimed his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yeah! Especially when!-" and the children started talking about the game.

"Did you have fun Kuromi?" Ranmaru asked the shy girl and Kuromi looked up happily her eyes sparkling and nodded her head vigorously.

"Father" Kuromi called and the man looked down at his daughter.


"I want to play soccer" hearing this June gasped and looked at his daughter in bewilderment never in his entire life not even when his wife was still alive did her daughter asked for something. So for him to hear that her daughter want something for the very first time why wouldn't he agree? And besides this might be his chance to make his daughter happy again.

"Of course! Why not! Anything for you my dear!" June exclaimed picking up her daughter and hugging her tightly. Ranmaru seeing how happy he is for his daughter unconsciously smiled at the scene.

"You know I was once a soccer player back then want me to teach Kuromi a few tricks that I know?" Ranmaru offered.

"Also there's a soccer team for kids at her age, maybe I could talk to the coach since he's an old friend of mine" Ranmaru added.

"Really? Thank you so much!" June exclaimed happily not being able to contain his happiness for his daughter.

"You heard that Kuromi? You'll be able to play soccer now!" June said excitedly and Kuromi's eyes were starting to shine.

"Really? Yehey!" Kuromi exclaimed happily. Seeing this Ranmaru called the two kids.

"Taichi! Momoi! Good news you two!" Ranmaru said.

"You have a new member Kuromi!" Ranmaru announced happily.

"Really?! Yehey!" and the two jolted in excitement and happiness jumping up and down. And run towards Kuromi.

"Is it true?! Is it true?! Are you really going to join?!" The two asked excitedly. June put her daughter down, and the three started talking with each other about soccer happily.


Ok! That's all folks!

Now that schools over you could assume that update will be fast from now on!

Sorry! For the long update by the way! I'll make it up to you guys! I promise!

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